Voting Software for Professional Associations

ElectionBuddy is the easiest voting solution for Professional, Medical or any Industry Association. Unify your decision making and get everyone engaged in your election using one voting platform.

Australian Information Industry Association LogoResident Doctors of BC LogoOhio State Medical Association LogoAlberta Hospitality Safety Association Logo
  • Australian Information Industry Association Logo
  • Resident Doctors of BC Logo
  • Ohio State Medical Association Logo
  • Alberta Hospitality Safety Association Logo

Reviews from Professional Association Customers

"Hemos estado utilizando ElectionBuddy desde 2017 para nuestra elección anual de la junta directiva y votación de estatutos. La experiencia del usuario es excelente y fácil de usar para nuestros miembros. Al examinar otro software, ElectionBuddy fue muy superior".

Lindsey R, Senior Executive
Asociación de REALTORS de la Costa Espacial
"Hay muchas cosas que puedes hacer para personalizar tu elección. Es excelente para todo, desde una elección pequeña hasta una votación en vivo al estilo de una convención con muchos delegados votando con diferentes niveles de fuerza de voto".

Ethan M.
Secretario-Tesorero, Construcción
"Incluso para alguien con dificultades técnicas como yo, con un poco de ayuda del servicio de atención al cliente, pude configurar todo fácil y rápidamente, tal como lo necesitaba. ¡Recomendaría ampliamente ElectionBuddy!"

Beatriz C.
Directora de Organización Cívica y Social

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Una lista completa que detalla cómo ElectionBuddy cumple con sus requisitos de votación para 10 votantes o 100.000 votantes.
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Muestras de Boletas

Una variedad de ideas de boletas para cumplir con cualquier requisito de votación que puede usar en Electionbuddy o en sus votos manuales.
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Vea el proceso de votación de ElectionBuddy desde la boleta hasta la confirmación en acción para elecciones o reuniones.
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Why Professional Associations choose ElectionBuddy

Vote anywhere you have internet

Members can vote anywhere that they can access the ballot online: while grabbing their morning coffee, in between professional meetings, at their desk, or even later on at home!

Different online ballot types for all passions

The specific elections that an Association runs can differ depending on the Association, but ElectionBuddy’s extensive selection of ballot types and flexible ballot configuration mean that it can handle any type of professional election.

Reach members via their preferred voting method

If your members have their phones glued to their hands all day, it makes sense to send them an election reminder text. If they are at their desk, email might make more sense. No matter what their setting may be, ElectionBuddy has the functionality run live voting for professional associations.

Time is money — save on both

Because members can vote while waiting in line for that morning coffee, because it will take you mere minutes to get your election going, and because it’s affordable, your Professional Association will have more time and money to focus on the important things.

Common Questions from Professional Associations

Doctor Association or Medical Association

Your members have worked long and hard to be the best that they can be. An ElectionBuddy election reflects that commitment to voting excellence. Ensure that your votes have the same integrity that your members do, while enjoying ease of voting and a price that allows membership dues to stay low!

Scientific or Academic Association or Group

An academic community is a powerful force, but it can be difficult to create consensus with diverse professional opinions. ElectionBuddy facilitates approval of new members, voting on board members and gathering feedback, for local groups or a geographically dispersed membership around the world.

Realtor Boards or Real Estate Board or Realty Professionals

ElectionBuddy’s mobile voting is a big hit with real estate professionals who are always on the phone and on the move. Members can conveniently vote on executive officers, elect board members, approve budgets, and engage members, no matter their busy schedules. Learn more

Legal Association or Bar or Law Society

Your members are the law makers and represent clients around the world. Reflect your commitment to integrity and uphold the statutes your members work with every day. The I's are dotted and the t's are crossed when you vote with ElectionBuddy.

Industry Association or Trade Group

When members are representing their organizations, they want to ensure their voices are heard. Using ElectionBuddy's weighted voting, it's easy to vote on executive, elect board members, approve budgets, or obtain feedback from all members too!

Economic Development or Chamber of Commerce

Your locale is something special, and so are your members. By offering an easy way to vote, your professional association members can easily be engaged. ElectionBuddy is also easy on the fees, so that your membership dues are spent on initiatives, not administration.

Other Professional Association

Accountants, Engineers, Parliamentarians and many other groups and members spend countless hours honing their craft so they can call themselves Professionals. ElectionBuddy voting ensures that the elections within your association reflect the integrity, professionalism and ethics of your membership

Fraternal Organization or Networking Group

Your united network is a powerful force for change, and your voting should be just as powerful. Members can vote on your leaders and budgets no matter where they reside, with their phones, tablets or other devices, along with mailed ballots too!

Ballots that work for Professional Associations

Create perfectly designed accessible ballots. Below are samples used by Professional Associations like you:

Board Elections

Los votantes eligen el número de candidatos en función de las vacantes. Ganan los candidatos con más votos.

Bylaw Amendments

Voters approve or reject a bylaw amendment by reviewing an attached document or summary.

Member Awards

Voters review the nominees and select one member. The member with the most votes wins.

“We have been using ElectionBuddy for years and happy to recommend it. It just works!”

Sasha Z., Administrator, Resident Doctors of BC
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Pruebe y luego hágalo usted mismo

Pruebe de forma gratuita y luego realice elecciones y votaciones de reuniones para su membresía completa.
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Analicemos cómo nuestros expertos pueden diseñar y ejecutar sus votaciones de forma remota, in situ o ambas.
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