Verifiable Voting for Any Political Party

ElectionBuddy is the easiest voting solution for all types of political parties. Run remote elections or vote during your in-person or virtual meetings for the highest integrity and certifiable results.

Reviews from Political Parties customers

"ElectionBuddy made it possible for us to hold a hybrid meeting. The instantaneous results are a great feature and helped us move our meeting along and stay on schedule."

Lacy R.
Weber County GOP
"ElectionBuddy was top-notch and increased turn-out of our election to 85%. The team proved to be experts, fast in responding, and effective at resolving issues."

Matthew P.
Utah State Democratic Party
"Low price and great user interface - easy to create ballots and easy for the voters. One of our voters even commented: 'Nice easy voting process. Good work.' Thanks ElectionBuddy!"

Lynne R.
Jewed Democratic Club of Silicon Valley
Jewed Democratic Club of Silicon Valley LogoUtah State Democratic Party LogoWeber County GOP Logo
  • Jewed Democratic Club of Silicon Valley Logo
  • Utah State Democratic Party Logo
  • Weber County GOP Logo

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Muestras de Boletas

Una variedad de ideas de boletas para cumplir con cualquier requisito de votación que puede usar en Electionbuddy o en sus votos manuales.
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Vea el proceso de votación de ElectionBuddy desde la boleta hasta la confirmación en acción para elecciones o reuniones.
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Why political organizations choose us

Fully auditable results

ElectionBuddy creates a trail of every change you make to your live election, so that way you can be transparent with your voters, and they can feel comfortable putting their trust in you.

Uncompromising election integrity

ElectionBuddy is designed to keep election integrity as the utmost goal. Voters can even anonymously verify their own votes to ensure that they haven’t been tampered with.

Add your party’s branding

Politics are all about visibility and promotion. Add your logo to the ballot, and customize your notices and ballots with language that represents your party and what you stand for.

Educated voters make better decisions

In addition to promoting your party, promote your candidates on the ballot. Include a photo of each candidate and a detailed candidate statement/biography, and link to your candidates’ websites.

Ballots that work for Political Parties

Create perfectly designed accessible ballots. Below are samples used by parties like yours:

Executive Officer Elections

Voters select 1 candidate and the candidate with the most votes wins. This is known as Plurality Voting.

Bylaw Amendments

Voters approve or reject a bylaw amendment by reviewing an attached document or summary.

Meeting Votes

Voters either approve or reject a motion to adopt a resolution.

National Political Party

ElectionBuddy is the powerful, secure, anonymous voting software you need to prevent internal and external influences from scandalizing your election. Ensure you focus on your mandate and candidates with an easy to use election process.

State or Provincial Political Party

Electing candidates and defining policy is your key to success in the state. ElectionBuddy ensures member engagement no matter the location of your members, using multiple voting methods with a simple voting process.

County or District Political Party

Turnout is challenging when your membership is dispersed with with spotty internet access. Reach voters easily whether they are 18 or 80, using email or text message or mail, and voters vote electronically or using paper ballots. 

Municipal Political Party

External verifiable polls and feedback is a snap with ElectionBuddy. Have your members vote on policy or leadership, knowing that your vote has integrity and is auditable and verifiable.

"The overall experience was "top-notch". We are grateful to ElectionBuddy for increasing  election turnout to 85%. The Election Expert Team was awesome: quick response time and effective issue resolution."

Matthew P., Utah State Democratic Party
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Explorar ElectionBuddy

View the ElectionBuddy capabilities and examples, try it out, or talk to an expert, it's up to you!

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Pruebe y luego hágalo usted mismo

Pruebe de forma gratuita y luego realice elecciones y votaciones de reuniones para su membresía completa.
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Lo hacemos todo por ti

Analicemos cómo nuestros expertos pueden diseñar y ejecutar sus votaciones de forma remota, in situ o ambas.
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