
Country and Golf Club Election

ElectionBuddy is the easiest voting solution for Golf Clubs, Country Clubs, Yacht Clubs, Racquet Clubs, Tennis Clubs or any Athletic Facility. Ensure that your membership is engaged in your board voting or your next big initiative.

Reviews from clubs with private members

"ElectionBuddy was responsive and guided us through a successful election with credible and verifiable results. Our election committee was very pleased with the results."

Ward B., President
San Francisco Dolphin, Swimming and Rowing Club
"Great customer service each time we had a question. Great options for voting, including a weighted version which was an important reason for choosing ElectionBuddy."

Emzi W., General Manager
Hope Valley Country Club
"My ElectionBuddy vote expert could not have been more helpful and ensured the process of developing and running our voting was seamless. We are grateful."

Troy O., General Manager
Mount Lawley Golf Club
San Francisco Dolphin, Swimming and Rowing Club LogoMount Lawley Golf Club LogoHope Valley Country Club LogoMeadow Springs Golf and Country Club Logo
  • San Francisco Dolphin, Swimming and Rowing Club Logo
  • Mount Lawley Golf Club Logo
  • Hope Valley Country Club Logo
  • Meadow Springs Golf and Country Club Logo

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Eine umfassende Liste, die detailliert beschreibt, wie ElectionBuddy Ihre Abstimmungsanforderungen für 10 Wähler oder 100.000 Wähler erfüllt.
Sehen Sie sich alle Funktionen an


Eine Vielzahl von Abstimmungsideen, die allen Abstimmungsanforderungen gerecht werden, können in ElectionBuddy oder Ihren manuellen Abstimmungen verwendet werden.
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Why Private Member Clubs and Sports Facilities choose us

Vote in-person or virtually

Members vote from anywhere that they can access the internet. Or if they are more comfortable, they vote at the membership desk, club office or polling station using paper ballots.

For any size of membership

One size doesn't fit all, and ElectionBuddy can be tailored fit your your club needs. Have members represent a group with weighted votes, flexible ballot types and notice methods allow you to run the election any way you need.

Vote during a meeting or run an election

If your members are used to getting together for discussions, it's easy to add voting to your agenda.  Or if you want everyone to vote for your board, then run the vote over a longer time to boost turnout.  With ElectionBuddy, you choose!  

Increase turnout and engagement

Members want a say on key issues and direction. With ballot features designed to collect feedback, multiple notice methods and automated reminders, more members will vote while you have more time to focus on the issues.  

Common Questions from Country and Golf Clubs

Golf Club or Golf Course

Your members want to enjoy the course and leave the politics at the office. ElectionBuddy voting allows members to vote from home, in the clubhouse or on the back nine, they choose!

Country Club

The club is about relaxing and networking, so the voting experience is just as enjoyable with ElectionBuddy, whether electing the President, the Board or approving new members.

Yacht Club

ElectionBuddy’s mobile voting is easy anywhere.  Members can conveniently vote on board executive, approve new members and engage on issues, either at home or on the water.  

Racquet Club or Tennis Club

Squash any voting issues before they occur. Members can vote on policy, the board, or make decisions about the tournament rules. 

Recreation Club

ElectionBuddy voting is just as fun as the sports that your member's play, whether gathering feedback or voting on executive officers. 

Athletic Facility

Curling, Basketball, Gymnastics, or whatever your members perfect pastime, ElectionBuddy is flexible to allow for any type of member voting. 

Ballots that work for private member clubs and sports facilities

Create perfectly designed accessible ballots. Below are samples used by clubs like yours:

Board Elections

Die Wähler wählen die Anzahl der Kandidaten auf der Grundlage freier Stellen. Die Kandidaten mit den meisten Stimmen gewinnen.

Bylaw Amendments

Voters approve or reject a bylaw amendment by reviewing an attached document or summary.

Fee Approvals

Voters approve or reject the attached budget and provide comments.

“We have been using ElectionBuddy for years and happy to recommend it. It just works!”

Sasha Zalyvabna, Administrator, Resident Doctors of BC
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