ElectionBuddy is the perfect voting solution for Cooperatives and Credit Unions. Ensure your voters as proportionately represented and verify your decisions quickly with less effort.
Members vote anywhere that has internet access, and it's just as convenient to offer voting in-person, while ensuring that staff are focused on their jobs.
It's easy to integrate voting with statements or add it to your member or billing systems with ElectionBuddy's full spectrum of voting integrations.
Members are more likely to stay members if their voice is heard. Along with elections and meetings, use ElectionBuddy to gather opinions and feedback.
The business takes precedence. Ensure staff members focus on their jobs and leave voting to ElectionBuddy. It takes members mere minutes to submit ballots.
With a geographically disbursed membership that are focused on their own business, you want to offer an easy convenient method of voting on the board and policies., Members can vote where they want, when they want and for whom they want, with a few clicks or a simple paper ballot. ElectionBuddy's voting features ensure that you have the flexibility to vote on board elections, bylaw amendments or any issue that requires approval or feedback.
Manage your board elections at a frequency that ensures strong continuity and good governance, while ensuring your members are well represented. Members can vote at any branch or from their own home, just like when they are banking. If you send statements, send the capability to vote and save postage. And with ElectionBuddy's MeetingVote, use the same voting platform to run votes at your annual meetings too, or other devices, ensuring fairness in credit union board elections.