
What Is a Voting Quorum?

Voting quorums are used to support credible, trusted voting outcomes. They are rules that stipulate the minimum number of board, committee, or association members who must participate in a vote for the result to be valid. Quorums are used in varied meeting elections, including votes on nominations, motions, and proposals within non-profit
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Reaching Quorum

Establishing a quorum during a meeting, voting process, or board election means that the chairperson has verified that there are sufficient participants for the results of their votes to be upheld. If the quorum cannot be met, a meeting may need to be adjourned or a vote postponed because an association or group may be unable to conduct a
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How Does Voting Work if You Have a Quorum?

Many organizations, companies, and groups require a quorum for a vote to be valid; this is the minimum number of attendees or committee members who must participate. The chairperson must establish whether a quorum has been reached before voting and record this information in the minutes or notes. The primary reason a quorum exists is to e
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HOA Quorum Requirements

Homeowners associations, or ‘HOAs,’ often have rules that state a quorum must be reached before the committee can begin each meeting. A quorum indicates the minimum number of members that must be present, either at a board meeting or AGM. Following voting procedures in a meeting ensures that each decision made is fair and protects the
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Privacy in Trade Union Election Procedures

Privacy in trade union election procedures is crucial to safeguarding voter anonymity, ensuring confidence in the process, and promoting transparent, fair outcomes. This privacy is most often achieved through a combination of secure ballots, independent oversight, and safe, accessible voting locations. A Brief History of Trade Union Votin
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Observers in Trade Union Elections

Observers in trade union elections play several crucial roles by acting as the designated force aiming to ensure fairness, transparency, and integrity in the voting process. History of Observers in Trade Union Elections The history of elections for trade unions and the presence of observers to these elections are long and varied. Early la
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Modernizing Trade Union Elections

Trade unions are essential for advocating for workers' rights and interests. A union’s internal democratic processes are central to keeping it running smoothly. Modernizing trade union elections starts with updating the ballot system.  The traditional election methods can result in low voter turnout and accessibility challenges for
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Improving Trade Union Election Transparency

Transparency is essential when it comes to holding any election. There are many ways to improve transparency in elections for trade unions. Certain practices are key, from guaranteeing a secure voting system to observers in trade union elections and conducting audits.  Straightforwardness builds trust within the union and upholds the int
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Accessibility Challenges for Trade Union Members With Disabilities 

Trade unions must confront the accessibility challenges facing their members. Modernizing trade union elections can solve many of these accessibility issues‒including physical access and communication barriers. Transitioning trade union votes to an online platform can streamline your election processes. In this post, we will explore the
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Role of Encryption in Online Voting

Online voting opens up many doors for your election processes‒but this doesn’t mean it creates a pathway for unauthorized users or hackers. By using encrypted ballots, you can ensure a higher level of security in your online elections and votes. Encryption is a critical part of maintaining election integrity and keeping information pr
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​​Online Voting Adoption and Regulation 

Traditional voting methods are continuing to change and evolve in the digital age. The adoption of online voting platforms offers a more convenient and accessible way for voters to participate in elections. Moving elections to the internet means online ballot accessibility for elderly voters and gives others an easier way to cast their vo
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Online Ballot Accessibility for Elderly Voters

As your organization transitions from restrictive, in-person voting to online voting, the generational digital divide is something you need to consider. While online voting is secure and convenient, the elderly voters you’re trying to reach may struggle with this transition. You can make online ballots more accessible for elderly intern
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How to Create Secure Online Ballots

As organizations grow across cities, regions, and even internationally, remote voting becomes crucial. Whether members are on a short vacation or live across the globe, important elections don’t have to wait‒make critical decisions with online ballots. Security is important for online ballots, and ElectionBuddy’s platform allows for
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Accessibility in Online Ballot Design

Online voting is extremely convenient, but the digital divide can make it intimidating to some voters. Many don’t understand the role of encryption in online voting, and struggle to understand how their ballots are secure. However, it’s possible to make your online election ballots both secure and accessible. With ElectionBuddy, you c
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