How to Make a Voting Poll for Physicians

March 11, 2024

Healthcare is about more than just about doctor’s appointments and medicine–it’s a critical part of everyday life. Health is a person’s most valuable resource, which is why, as members of physician associations, it’s immensely important to elect strong leaders who are in charge of voting on major issues within the industry.

For those wondering how to make a voting poll for physicians, it can be a simple task with the right tools. Now more than ever, the medical community has embraced the power of technology as more associations have turned to physicians online voting as an efficient way to collectively voice their opinions on crucial matters affecting the field.

Platforms like ElectionBuddy makes it even easier to host safe and secure digital elections.

The Importance of Collective Polling

A membership poll is a valuable tool for associations and organizations to gather insight from members on specific topics. Aside from gathering feedback, these polls are instrumental in decision-making and fostering a transparent, communicative organization. 

Polling not only shows members that leaders are listening and care about their opinions, but it also contributes to overall membership culture and happiness. Satisfied members are more likely to be engaged, long-term supporters, which bodes well for association promotion and future membership recruitment. This engagement is especially significant for overall success.

By offering a platform for members to use their voice and vote on important initiatives, association leadership fosters diversity through differing perspectives, embraces the possibility of innovation, and leads to a successful future.

Priority Number One: Safety and Security

While there are many easy options for polling–such as creating a free online survey–it’s not the most secure format to implement. There’s no doubt the safety and security of physician association members' votes are just as important as law firm equity partner candidate votes.

Physician associations will likely discuss important issues and topics like finances or physician compensation, policy drafting, medical developments, and more. Members’ opinions on these matters should remain confidential to the public–without risk of breach from any outside source.

These votes can directly impact an association’s overall strength and performance, which is why it’s critical to streamline polls and elections as efficiently as possible.

A Swath of Polling Options

There are so many different ways to gather important insight from association members. Platforms like ElectionBuddy offer a variety of voting methods, including scored voting, plurality polling, approval or preferential voting.

Scored voting and plurality polling use a Likert Rating Scale (also known as the ‘strongly disagree to strongly agree’ scale) to survey members’ thoughts on important issues. Preferential voting asks members to choose one option, much like picking one candidate or opinion on an issue over another. Finally, approval polling asks members to choose as many answers they are okay or not okay with on a particular issue.

Membership polls can also offer features like an abstention option for members who don’t have a specific opinion or don’t want to vote on a particular item.

Safe and Secure Elections with ElectionBuddy

ElectionBuddy knows how to conduct elections in a medical association or a physician association in an effortless, secure way. With ElectionBuddy, members are required to engage in two-factor authentication to confirm their vote. Our platform uses 256-bit encryption, the same as major banks–which makes us safer than any free online survey builder on the web! 

ElectionBuddy’s quick and easy-to-use platform can be used in any type of election, including those addressing important issues. It’s affordable, simple, and secure with various ways to vote. Through email and SMS reminders, ElectionBuddy makes it easy to remind voters of their ballot deadline, vote from anywhere, and simultaneously increase voter turnout.

Join 11,984+ organizations like yours that use ElectionBuddy to build more easy online elections

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