April 9, 2012
Feature Focus: Reminders
If your election is not having the turnout you expected, it could be for a variety of reasons. If you are lett...
March 12, 2012
Feature Focus: Prevent Ballots from Being Marked as Spam
Not all of our Feature Focuses have to be about items you can implement to aid your election. This month I wan...
February 13, 2012
Focus: Public or Private Results… That is the Question!
One of the features that make ElectionBuddy unique over other election software, is that you can customize who...
February 6, 2012
Tips & Tricks: Voting Patterns & Analysis
Being someone who loves numbers and statistics (mainly sports statistics, but still…), I find it’s great y...
January 10, 2012
Feature Focus: Approval Voting
We’ve already looked Plurality Voting, Preferential Voting, as well as how to organize a Refe...
January 8, 2012
Feature Focus: Preferential Voting
ElectionBuddy offers a variety of election types that will suit your organization. Today we’re taking a look...
December 21, 2011
Tips & Tricks for a Winning Election Mobile Marketing Strategy
Updated: March 4th, 2025 As we approach a new year, mobile marketing has become an indispensable tool for cand...
December 12, 2011
New Feature: Assigning Multiple Votes per Ballot
Seeing as it’s almost the holiday season, we wanted to surprise all of you with a special gift – a new fea...
November 14, 2011
Feature Focus: Plurality Voting
ElectionBuddy offers three voting methods for your elections. This Feature Focus looks at Plurality Voting (al...
October 10, 2011
Feature Focus: Running a Referendum
Whether it’s tackling a question on to an existing election, or letting the referendum standing on it’s ow...
September 26, 2011
The Importance of Right to Vote
I remember the first time I got to vote in a serious election. I was in my first year of college, and Canada w...
September 6, 2011
Tips & Tricks: Single Transferable Vote
STV is a voting system that’s based on voters using the Preferential Voting method to vote, with the results...
July 21, 2011
Tips & Tricks: Voting For Your Favorite…
ElectionBuddy is primarily used for online elections that have positions and the candidates running for those ...
July 20, 2011
Feature Focus: Announcement and Nominations
Sometimes holding an election to find out election nominees is just as useful as the election itself. A succes...