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Responsibilities of Alumni Association Election Committees

May 31, 2024

Alumni associations can provide many benefits to members and students, including networking opportunities, resume workshops, job postings, post-grad resource access, and more. Electing alumni association officials is key to keeping an association running smoothly so it can fulfill its obligations.  

The role of an alumni association election committee can vary. Generally speaking, though, it is responsible for keeping alumni association elections fair, accurate, and honest. Members of the alumni association election committee may update membership alumni association eligibility criteria for voting, handle communications regarding the election process, count votes, report results, and keep a watchful eye over the entire election process.

How Many People Serve on an Election Committee?

The number of people on an alumni election committee depends on the size of the organization, its election process, and each organization’s specific needs. Typically, the alumni association election committee ranges from three to seven people. These may be board members, current alumni association leadership, or association members.

Maintaining Election Fairness and Transparency

Every election has specific criteria and rules that must be followed to maintain its integrity. An election committee can not show any favoritism or bias during an election to ensure fairness and transparency.

An election committee makes sure all candidates running for a position have equal opportunities to present their platforms and engage with voters. Throughout the election process, the committee maintains an open line of communication with members. 

This includes being honest and communicating clearly about election procedures, criteria, and changes to association members. This way, voters feel more confident in the election process, and the committee upholds the key democratic principles of an election.

Boosting Voter and Candidate Engagement

Alumni association elections operate best when voters are fully engaged. Alumni association election committees are the eyes and ears of an election and keep voters informed through effective communication and outreach efforts.

The committee may also host debates, alumni events, or informational forums. These types of events help connect voter bases with their candidates and representatives.

Election committees ensure voters can successfully and easily vote remotely through an online voting platform like ElectionBuddy.

Handling Conflict as a Committee

Unexpected issues can arise during an election, and an alumni association election committee must be prepared to handle them. In the event of any challenges, an election committee turns to established election procedures, bylaws, and guidelines to impartially resolve issues.

An election committee serves as a voice for the alumni association. They provide a platform for any problems that need to be heard, investigated, and resolved in a timely manner. This could involve gathering evidence, reviewing complaints, and making an educated, unbiased decision while keeping their voters informed along the way.

In the case of an election appeal, the election committee may review the results. When this happens, transparency with the alumni association membership is paramount. The election committee should be able to effectively follow an appeals process, communicate throughout the process, and be honest about the final results.

Streamlining the Voting Process

Alumni association election committees can reap several benefits from an online platform like ElectionBuddy. Whether members are voting to elect a new board or editing their bylaws, ElectionBuddy can empower election committees to conduct elections as efficiently, transparently, and inclusively as possible.

ElectionBuddy is a convenient and accessible platform for committee members to host elections remotely. Not only does this save time and resources, but it engages voters and allows them to access the platform to cast their ballots online from anywhere, at any time!

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