
Milestone Achieved: Four Million Votes Cast on ElectionBuddy.com

August 3, 2017

We have done it: four million votes cast!

Can you believe it?! As an ElectionBuddy community, over four million votes have now been cast in over 22 000 elections! But, because of an all-new version of ElectionBuddy, more functionality than ever, and new features being released regularly, it is no surprise that our community has grown to this size. Indeed – as we continue to make ElectionBuddy better, we anticipate and look forward to celebrating more of these milestones with you all!

So, to celebrate the four million vote milestone, let’s take a look at a few of the amazing things you could have if you casually had about $4 000 000 laying around in that childhood piggybank:

Join 11,984+ organizations like yours that use ElectionBuddy to build more easy online elections

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