An Overview of ElectionBuddy's Paper Ballots

August 11, 2022

ElectionBuddy understands that using an online voting platform may not be accessible, or even the preference, for all voters. When running a vote with ElectionBuddy, voters can cast their ballot using ElectionBuddy's online voting platform, or administrators can distribute paper ballots to voters in-person or via postal mail.

You can also combine an online voting system WITH paper ballots! Voters that prefer an electronic delivery method for their ballots may receive their notices via email or SMS, and those that prefer a paper ballot can also be accommodated.

One ballot submission per voter:

Each ballot, whether electronic or paper, has a unique access key for each voter. A voter's access key is consistent across different ballot formats.  The access key is single-use to only allow one ballot submission per access key. If a voter votes electronically, and then sends back a paper ballot, the paper ballot cannot be submitted. The opposite is equally true; an electronic vote cannot be cast when a paper ballot has been submitted by the voter.

Paper Notices and Ballots:

ElectionBuddy offers multiple notice types, which you can combine to help increase voter engagement. Paper ballots are an accompaniment to the two physical notice forms we offer — printed notices and postal notices.

Printed ballots are available with our Printed Notices and will need to be distributed by you. Postal ballots are available with our Postal Notices and would be distributed by ElectionBuddy on your behalf. Please note that there are additional postage charges if ElectionBuddy mails the notices and ballots for you.

Cost Saving Tips:

If you would like ElectionBuddy to send postal notices on your behalf, you have the option to delay the delivery of postal notices and ballots. This allows any voters that also receive email or SMS notice to cast their ballots so they will not be sent the postal ballot.

If you print and mail the notices yourself, you can also delay printing and distributing ballots to give voters an opportunity to cast an electronic ballot.

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