Board Nominating Committee Process

October 26, 2022

Whether your organization is actively developing a board nomination process, or you’re looking to improve on current methods, it is important to understand a board member nomination process.

A board nominating committee is typically a select group of directors or members that are tasked with selecting nominees for upcoming board member elections. These members identify the best candidates for different director positions, and this process can include reviewing candidates and current board members or amending the election process of board members.

How are board members nominated? The board elections nomination process can vary from institution to institution. Typically, the board nominating committee will identify a select group of candidates it finds best meet the needs of the board and organization as a whole. This can be based on previous experience, leadership in their field, unique and diverse perspectives, and skillset. The following steps can be a bit lengthy, so let’s break it down.

Evaluating Current Board and Preparing Relevant Questions for Candidates

Nomination committee members must evaluate current board members to ensure they are performing their duties to a satisfactory level; this will help the committee determine which slates on the board may be up for re-election. This committee ensures all board members are aligned with the vision and mission of your organization and have taken such actions during their term.

After the spots up for election are determined, the board nomination committee drafts a series of interview questions. These are based on understanding the needs of your organization. They can be based on experience, understanding of your institution’s current condition or issues, and what they hope to accomplish should they be elected. This interview process serves as a final step in the vetting process. 

Interviewing Nominees

As mentioned, this step is crucial to ensure you have strong candidates. Once you know the seats available on your board, you can understand if your candidates are interested in higher seats or would prefer a different position. We recommend focusing on filling those higher seats, such as President, as they are often more challenging to fill.

Questions should be centered around the issues the organization is facing, the mission of the organization, but also logistics. How much time does this nominee have available to dedicate to the board? What role do they hope to play?

Nominees can also ask questions during the interview. Common questions include:

  • What are the duties of this position?
  • What is the term limit for this position?
  • Who can I check in with about my progress on the board?
  • Who else is running?

In most cases, the last question should not be answered. Most election proceedings rely on confidentiality, and because nominees have not been formally announced at this stage, you will not be able to divulge that information.

Reviewing and Recommending Nominees

After the interview process, the nominating committee gathers to exchange its observations. This meeting will discuss the strongest candidates to run for the board. It will then pass its recommendations on and invite the candidates to run for election, then reconfirm the duties of the seat the candidates are running for, and set a date and time for the election to take place.

Voting Takes Place

The moment you’ve been waiting for has arrived. Depending on your organization, the voting process can vary. You may find you need to utilize an online election platform, such as ElectionBuddy. Elections services work to ensure integrity and accessibility in your organization’s election process. In a digital day and age, your institution may have more members working remotely, or you may find some members struggle with in-person voting or understanding digital voting.

ElectionBuddy offers an all-inclusive service to set your election up for success. We offer a variety of secure, easy-to-use methods of voting (mobile, meeting votes, mail, and more) so each voter can have their voice heard. When electing board members, the last thing you want to be complicated is the vote itself, so we’re sure to offer services that allow you to customize your voting process, such as:

  • Customizable Ballots
  • Personalized Notices for Votes
  • Multiple Ways to Vote
  • Voting Subgroups
  • Weighted Votes

Using ElectionBuddy is simple. Whether you need consultation on a few key details or are ready for a full-fledged digital election process, ElectionBuddy is the best choice for making any online election as streamlined as possible.

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