How Do You Do a Live Poll in Class?

June 23, 2022

In our recent post on polling tools to keep students engaged, we discussed how classroom polls provide several learning benefits for students. But how do you actually conduct a live poll in class? Well, there are several ways to do this, and that's what we'll discuss in this article.

Live Polling in Classes

There are multiple ways to do a live poll in class. The most popular way is to use a polling tool like ElectionBuddy or Google Forms.

To use ElectionBuddy, simply create an account and then create a new poll. Once you've created your poll, you can share the link with your students, who can then vote on the poll right from their phone or computer. To use Google Forms, create a new form and then add your questions. Once you're done, click on the "Share" button and then choose "Get link." Copy the link and share it with your students. 

There are several benefits to using ElectionBuddy over Google Forms for conducting classroom polls–for starters, Google Forms doesn't offer real-time polling results, which means you can't really conduct a "live" poll with it. On the other hand, ElectionBuddy offers real-time results that can keep your students engaged and make your lectures more interesting.

Another major benefit of ElectionBuddy over Google Forms is that it offers more features and customization options. For example, you can use ElectionBuddy to create polls in multiple languages using a range of different voting methods. You can also add vibrant descriptions and photos to your polls, making them more engaging.

Finally, ElectionBuddy is just easier to use than Google Forms. The interface is more user-friendly and the process of creating and sharing polls is simpler. If you’re confused, the tool offers a free election for up to twenty voters. It’s a good idea to test the tool with this offer as it might put an end to your “voting for schools online” Google searches. 

Other Ways to Conduct Classroom Polls

In addition to using polling tools like ElectionBuddy and Google Forms, you can also use physical devices like remotes with buttons. Remotes are physical devices that students can use to answer questions in class. They're usually less expensive than polling tools and they don't require an internet connection, which can be a major advantage in some situations.

Another advantage of remotes is that they're very easy to use–all you need to do is pass them out to your students and then ask them to answer the questions on the screen. However, remotes do have some disadvantages. For one, they can be easily lost or broken. Additionally, remotes can only be used by one person at a time, which can be a disadvantage in large classes.

Overall, the method you choose for classroom polling will depend on your needs and preferences. However, we’re confident that ElectionBuddy is the best option overall because it's easy to use, offers real-time results, and is packed with features.

Now that we've gone over how to do a live poll, let's talk about how to create a good one.

How to Create a Quality Live Poll

When creating a live poll, there are several things you should keep in mind. For starters, you should make sure your questions are clear and concise. Remember, classroom polls are supposed to be a fun and engaging activity, not a confusing assignment.

Two other important factors to keep in mind when conducting live polls are their timing and frequency. If you make your polls too long, students will get bored. On the other hand, if you make them too short, they won't be very informative. We recommend keeping your polls to around five to ten minutes.

As for frequency, we recommend conducting live polls once or twice per class, as this will help keep your students engaged without overwhelming them. It might be a good idea to conduct polls before and after a lesson, so you and your students can gauge how helpful the lesson has been.

It's also important to give students ample time to answer the questions during a live poll. If you move too quickly, students won't be able to keep up, so we recommend giving students at least thirty seconds to answer each question.

Finally, make sure to discuss the results of the poll with your students–this is the most important part of conducting a live poll because it's meant to spark discussion and get students thinking. In addition, it will help you understand how your students are feeling and give them a chance to voice their opinions.

Live Polls Simplified

Conducting live polls is a great way to engage your students and get feedback on your lessons–just remember to keep the above tips in mind, and you'll be sure to create a great live poll, especially when using a helpful tool like ElectionBuddy.

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