
New Feature: Candidate Profile

April 21, 2014

In 1960, Vice President Richard Nixon went head to head against Senator John F. Kennedy for the Presidency of the United States. At a critical junction, Nixon was challenged by Kennedy to a televised debate. “Why do you suppose Kennedy wants to debate me on television?” asked Nixon of his advertising agency. When Nixon pressed for an answer, one of the agency executives answered: “Sir, women are going to decide this election, and Kennedy is good-looking. You’re not.”

Here at ElectionBuddy one of the most requested features from election organizers has been to allow organizers to upload a photo of the candidate to appear alongside the candidate’s description. We’ve included this feature and we hope that it will help to jog the memory of the voter so to re-confirm that they know exactly who they are voting for. But remember if you do decide to use this feature, as with the Nixon / Kennedy story, all is fair in love and politics.

To learn how to use this feature, please see our FAQ entry – Candidate Profiles and Photos

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