Do Homeowners Association Board Members Get Paid?

January 6, 2023

There are many benefits to serving on the board of a homeowners association. It is an opportunity to serve your neighborhood, connect with your neighbors, and make meaningful changes in your community in ways other than just through homeowner association voting. 

Typically, members of a homeowners association, also known as an HOA, serve on a volunteer basis. As with any new responsibility, being an HOA board member can be a lot of work. It is perfectly reasonable to wonder if your duties come with any monetary compensation. However, it is not typical for HOA board members to get paid, unless the bylaws of the Board state otherwise.

Elected board members have a fiduciary duty to the association. This means duties involve three basic components: the duty of care, the duty of loyalty, and the duty to act within the scope of authority. 

When you are a board member of an HOA, you are responsible for ensuring that the funds of the HOA are spent on behalf of the community. It would be a conflict of interest to receive financial compensation, or any type of payment, for serving on the board. Even the president of the HOA does not receive payment for serving and leading the board due to this conflict.

Other Reasons for Serving on an HOA Board

Many of those who serve on an HOA board get great satisfaction from the work they do for a number of reasons, such as:

Bring Change to Your Community

A major reason many people want to serve on an HOA board is that there is something going on in the community where they live that doesn’t sit just right. We typically hear this motivation sparking in response to an existing rule (that may be outdated or is no longer needed) or an idea for a new one. Change can start with something as simple as establishing parameters for quiet hours or allowing people to bring food with them to the community pool area. 

You can also fix problems that the community is facing. For example, there could be multiple people with the same complaints about one neighbor, or concerns about increases in certain bills. Whatever issues arise, your voice can be heard and you can enact new laws and rules to make change happen.

Residents who are not on the board can certainly attend board meetings, but your voice will have more of an impact if you have a seat at the table.

Social and Emotional Benefits

There are social and emotional benefits to volunteering that may go a long way to strengthening a volunteer's overall mental well-being. The National Alliance on Mental Illness reported in a 2020 study conducted in the United Kingdom that “those who volunteered reported being more satisfied with their lives and rated their overall health as better.”

Donating your time and energy to serving your HOA can also improve your social life. Whether you’re new to the neighborhood or have found yourself stuck in the same circle of friends, joining your HOA board will connect you with more people who live in close proximity and often share similar goals and aspirations. 

Boost Leadership Skills

Acting as a leader in any type of organization can give your leadership and management skills a boost. A local HOA board is usually a low-stakes environment that is a perfect place to hone these skills. You will exercise problem-solving skills and improve your public speaking skills. All of these compound into makings for a great leader. After all, what prospective employer would not want an applicant who has shown interest and dedication to their community by taking on an HOA leadership role?

Working as a board member in any organization can also improve your chances of joining other professional or volunteer boards. If you are applying for or are nominated for a spot on your employer’s board of directors, serving on an HOA board demonstrates that you have experience in similar roles.

In Summary: Make an Impact

While most governing documents and bylaws will state that HOA board members serve on a volunteer basis, the HOA may hire outside consultants or professionals. If you do not have the time or the financial means to donate time to your HOA, you may be able to participate as a paid consultant. Commonly hired consultants include (but are not limited to) accountants, attorneys, management experts, or consultants hired to manage specific tasks.

If your community doesn’t already have an HOA, read more about how to start a homeowners association in our latest article. You can also use a reliable platform like ElectionBuddy to set up a secure means for residents to vote on HOA matters!

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