
Customer Feature: Ridgefield High School case study

August 27, 2014

I chatted today with Scott W a student government adviser at Ridgefield High School and while normally we don’t put testimonials up to protect and ensure the anonymity of our ElectionBuddy votes, Scott had a pretty interesting story to tell and he was keen to have us share the story about their student government elections.

Ridgefield high school

I had asked him about whether he will be using our new ElectionBuddy candidate shuffle feature, and he noted that they are considering, but they have (what I thought) was a GREAT tool to encourage student government participation early in the process:

Ridgefield puts candidates on the ballot in the order that they receive the student nomination forms. It encourages participation, creates a sense of excitement prior to the election, and reduces the last minute panic!

He also noted that the majority of kids are now voting with their iPhones, and 75% of the kids are adding profile pictures… who says that  “selfies” don’t have a democratic use! And they are using ElectionBuddy on a monthly basis, during their monthly advisory period, a great way to engage students.

Way to go Scott! And for others that are interested, Scott and Ridgefield take advantage of our K-12 school pricing – so if you are a teacher or administrator of a K-12 school, email us and we will give you an ElectionBuddy discount too – we may even through a discount in on inviteright schooltools too!

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