Benefits of Voting Remote in Credit Unions

April 22, 2024

In-person voting with paper ballots can be a challenge at times, and potentially decrease voter engagement. To combat this, one of the newer online voting participation strategies for credit unions has been to integrate a third party online voting platform as an option for members participating in their elections.

The benefits of remote voting in credit unions include, but are not limited to: 

  • A greater accessibility for newer voters
  • An increased participation from all different demographics
  • An availability of nationwide voting

The option of an online credit union election has a number of great benefits. This article will explore several of these advantages.

Greater Accessibility

Naturally, in-person voting comes with its logistical challenges that can affect turnout. A credit union’s membership is composed of busy, hard-working people. When the union moves its voting system online, it helps eliminate scheduling hurdles by making the election more accessible.

Having an online option is a helpful alternative to increase the number of people who will now be able to easily participate with just the few clicks of a button to make their voices heard.

Increased Participation

If the success of short message service (SMS) marketing has taught us anything, making things easily available from people’s phones is the best way to reach them. This means credit unions can tap into this phenomenon by shifting to online voting.

Increasing membership participation and overall voter turnout is important. Credit union election results and their impact on the communities they operate within are not insignificant–especially when you consider how credit unions encourage economic growth by creating jobs and supporting small businesses. So, having many members participate in an election is paramount.

Nationwide Voting

Among the many advantages online voting offers credit unions, one is the concept of nationwide voting. Typically, credit unions are thought to be these small mom-and-pop types of bank operations that function within a localized community. Though that may be true to some extent, many credit unions have their membership spread across the country, as well.

Online voting allows these remote members to participate without needing to travel to make their voices heard. Members can vote from any place with internet connectivity, making voting all the more accessible.


One of the main reasons why a credit union would consider a remote voting option is because of the ease and convenience. Using an online voting platform allows credit unions to create the ballots online, upload an electoral roll and send out invitations for their election via email. 

Because remote voting is conducted 100% online, it is a greener option that ultimately saves you money. By voting online, more resources can be allocated to other aspects of the credit union and the communities it serves.

There is a reason why the remote options we have in our society today have stuck around, and it’s because people enjoy the convenience of remote options. For some, there will be a bit of a learning curve at first. But once they’ve crossed that hurdle, they’ll wonder how they ever did it any other way.

For those seeking to make the voting process for their member-based organization easier and more convenient, consider ElectionBuddy as the right choice. ElectionBuddy strives to guarantee election integrity, as well as boost voter engagement and turn out. Explore our website and service options today!

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