
Feature Focus: Reminders

April 9, 2012

If your election is not having the turnout you expected, it could be for a variety of reasons. If you are letting ElectionBuddy email the ballots, maybe the election start time was not the opportune time, and people first brushed off the voting link email. There are all sorts of reasons why people have yet to cast a ballot. Luckily, we offer a way of reaching out to people who have yet to vote.

You can send and Reminder. By using this feature, you can reach out to everyone who hasn’t voted with a custom message. For example, you might want to let everyone know that the polls are closing in 24 hours, so this is a last-minute reminder to cast your ballot before the election is closed. The step by step process is outlined here on Sending an Email Reminder to Your Entire Voter List

Well, I certainly hope this feature helps you increase your voter turnout and gives everyone a chance to cast a ballot. Happy voting everyone!

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