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Here's what we've found for you!

Self-Administered Elections

Elections aren’t just for the government. Every day, elections are conducted in corporate boardrooms, labor ...

What Is the Role of Technology in the Voting Process Today?

When most people think of what it means to vote, they typically think about local, state, and federal election...

How Is an Abstain Vote Counted?

Online union voting is a democratic process in which workers vote for the representatives who will bargain on ...

Does a Ratification Contract Require Good Faith?

A contract ensures stable and productive relationships among entities by defining the terms of agreement among...

Can the Ratification of a Contract Be Withdrawn?

Ratification is a complex term with different meanings in different domains. Generally, it refers to the silen...

What Is the Purpose of Acclamations?

Let us kick things off by highlighting some of the basics of the acclamation vote. In simple terms, election b...

What Does ‘Elected By Acclamation’ Mean?

For many people, the term ‘vote by acclamation' or 'elected by acclamation' is not something that they donâ€...

Website to Vote on Ideas

Whether you’re choosing who gets which award at your company awards, what play your class should perform, or...

Best Way to Increase Voter Participation

When it comes to voting, many voters opt not to cast their votes at all because they worry about choosing the ...

An Overview of ElectionBuddy's Paper Ballots

ElectionBuddy understands that using an online voting platform may not be accessible, or even the preference, ...

What's the Purpose of Voting?

Every year, member-based and nonprofit organizations rigorously prepare for critical elections that decide the...

How to Get People to Vote in Online Competitions

When you start an online contest, you may think that your work is done after creating an outstanding entry, an...

How Long Does It Take To Vote Online?

At its core, online voting safeguards the integrity of your elections by preventing multiple votes from the sa...

What Are Bylaws?

Bylaws are an essential element of corporate governance. You can think of them as machines that ensure a compa...
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