Avoid issues by using automated election systems and online voting processes
Voters can select 1 or more options. First Past the Post, also known as Plurality Voting, will allow you to elect 1 out of 5 candidates or elect 3 directors from 7 candidates. Candidates who receive more votes will win and enough candidates will be elected to fill the seats available. You can also choose yes or no to a bylaw amendment.
Let voters distribute a set number of votes for a given position being voted on. The voter may assign those votes to the candidates however they’d like, and do so via a drop-down menu. A vote-counting algorithm is used to count the number of votes assigned to each candidate.
Each voter may approve of as many of the candidates/options as they wish. Each voter may vote for any combination of candidates and may give each candidate at most one vote.
Allow voters to rank the candidates in order of preference, with “1” being the highest (most preferred) ranking. The first preference on each ballot counts as a vote for that particular candidate, and the votes are tallied, with least preferred candidates eliminated and their votes transfered to their ballots' second most preferred option.
Run a preferential vote for a position with multiple vacancies using STV. The basic preferential vote has one vacancy (a single seat); when multiple vacancies exist, STV is used to tally the votes. With multiple vacancies, during the tally, surplus votes are "transferred" based on the ranking assigned to the candidates at the time of voting.
Allows voters to score the candidates in order of preference, with “1” being the highest (most preferred) score. Votes are tallied using the scores, and the candidates receiving the highest scores are declared as winners.
ElectionBuddy's Scored Voting feature also includes Rating Scale, Likert Scale and Dot voting. Voters assign a score to each candidate or option in a list based on their preference for that candidate/option. Unlike a Preferential (ranked) ballot, however, the scores that are assigned do not have to be unique among the items on the ballot.
Capture nominations from your voting population. Instead of voters choosing between pre-listed candidates, they are given spaces for writing in nominations. All recorded nominations appear in the results and you can merge nominations for the same candidate that were submitted with different spellings.