
The Voting Platform for any Industry Association

ElectionBuddy is the easiest way to vote for any Manufacturing Industry Association, Trade Industry Association, Econonomic Development Group or Chamber of Commerce.  Rally your decision making and engage every member.

Reviews from Industry Association customers

"Another great year with Election Buddy. Special thanks for all your assistance in getting our ballot to our membership. We will definitely use you again next year!"

Thursa P.
American Industrial Hygiene Association
"ElectionBuddy changed the game as to how our organization runs and manages elections. Election Expert ensured the election was accurate and professional."

Kayla B.
Dupont Circle Business Improvement District
My Election Expert expertly assisted with changes as they arose from the meeting floor to allow real time voting on the issues as needed. Awesome job ElectionBuddy team!
Anne P
National League of Cities
American Industrial Hygiene Association LogoDupont Circle Business Improvement District LogoNational League of Cities Logo
  • American Industrial Hygiene Association Logo
  • Dupont Circle Business Improvement District Logo
  • National League of Cities Logo

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Eine umfassende Liste, die detailliert beschreibt, wie ElectionBuddy Ihre Abstimmungsanforderungen für 10 Wähler oder 100.000 Wähler erfüllt.
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Eine Vielzahl von Abstimmungsideen, die allen Abstimmungsanforderungen gerecht werden, können in ElectionBuddy oder Ihren manuellen Abstimmungen verwendet werden.
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Why Industry Associations choose us

Vote everywhere there is internet

Members access ballots online from their work or home, early in the morning, during a busy day, or at the end of a day or in the evening when they have time to process the important issues requiring a vote.

Ballots for any type of need

Voting types and election methods vary depending on the Association, but ElectionBuddy’s wide variety of voting methods and ballot types along with ballot flexibility ensure all your voting needs are met.

Reach members the way they want

If your members are using their phones throughout their day, send your members a text to vote. If members spend time at their desks, email is the best choice for notice. ElectionBuddy just works for delivering notice to reach all your members.

Save on time while saving money too

Because members can vote at their convivence, voters will thank you for allowing easy engagement. And it's just as fast to create your first vote. And your members will thank you for ensuring that voting doesn't break the bank account.

Ballots that work for Industry Associations

Create easily accessed, well-designed ballots that allow for fast voting, such as the samples used by other Industry Associations similar to yours:

Board Elections

Die Wähler wählen die Anzahl der Kandidaten auf der Grundlage freier Stellen. Die Kandidaten mit den meisten Stimmen gewinnen.

Bylaw Amendments

Voters approve or reject a bylaw amendment by reviewing an attached document or summary.

Member Awards

Voters review the nominees and select one member. The member with the most votes wins.

Industry Association

When members are representing their organizations, they want to ensure their voices are heard. Using ElectionBuddy's weighted voting, it's easy to vote on executive, elect board members, approve budgets, or obtain feedback from all members too!

Manufacturing Association

Members who are engaged in trade activites want to decide quickly and act quickly.  Enlist engagement to vote on approval of new members, voting on board members and gathering feedback for any regional initiatives. 

Economic Development Groups 

Your region is special, and so are your members. Make it easy for members vote when and where they want to boost engagement. ElectionBuddy is easy on the fees, so membership dues are spent on initiatives, not administration.

Trade Organizations

The business of commerce is key to economic prosperity for all your members.  Ensure their voices are heard by offering an easy way to vote on any initiatives

Chamber of Commerce

When businesses in your region work together, the regional business grows. Voting is a means to engage businesses so they are fairly represented and their advocacy issues are advanced.

Other Professional Associations

Accountants, Engineers, Lawyers, Real Estate and all Professionals can vote on the many policy initiatives that are advocated to ensure proper group representation.

“Simple and straight forward. Intuitive.”

Anaid B, Administrator, Crick Science Entrepreneurs Network
Read More Reviews

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