
Organized and Orderly Voting for Any Organization

ElectionBuddy is the easiest voting solution for all types of Organizations to take the stress and pressure out of the decision making process.

ElectionBuddy is used by Organizations across multiple interests.

San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce LogoSaskcentral LogoMountain Health Co-Op LogoFair State Brewing Cooperative LogoTaft Logo
  • San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce Logo
  • Saskcentral Logo
  • Mountain Health Co-Op Logo
  • Fair State Brewing Cooperative Logo
  • Taft Logo

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Eine umfassende Liste, die detailliert beschreibt, wie ElectionBuddy Ihre Abstimmungsanforderungen für 10 Wähler oder 100.000 Wähler erfüllt.
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Eine Vielzahl von Abstimmungsideen, die allen Abstimmungsanforderungen gerecht werden, können in ElectionBuddy oder Ihren manuellen Abstimmungen verwendet werden.
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Why organizations choose us

Integrity is integral to the process of voting online

ElectionBuddy has been carefully crafted to ensure that online election integrity is safeguarded at every step. This is good for both you and your voters — they can trust you, and you can trust ElectionBuddy.

Seriously simple voting software

Whether it’s your first time or your tenth time using ElectionBuddy, it was meant to be usable without needing training. From setup to voting, both you and your voters will breeze through the process.

Vote online on anything you want

A highly extensive list of voting methods, combined with multiple ballot options and different setting configurations means that ElectionBuddy can be used to vote on anything and everything.

Bring your elections into the 21st century with online voting

Everyone has a cell phone nowadays, and ElectionBuddy turns your voters’ cell phones into voting machines. They can receive text message notices to vote, and can vote on their phone’s web browser.

Sports Team / League

ElectionBuddy can be your voting MVP with easy board voting, player voting, representative selection, and award voting. Ballots are customizable for every voting need. Best of all, the whole process starts at just pennies per player. Learn more

Athletic or Recreational Facility

Whether your members are part of a golf club, yacht club, athletic club, or any sport or social club, ElectionBuddy can help your members vote on policy, executives, budgets or referendums, or facility upgrades. Learn more


Your co-op is designed to benefit all your members, so why not use a voting process that easily engages your membership in key decisions? ElectionBuddy ensures that your leadership, policies, budgets, and strategic direction have engaging votes. Learn more

Chamber of Commerce

Business is the lifeblood of what you do. Ensure your business members are engaged in your organizational direction by offering leadership elections, policy voting, and polling. ElectionBuddy is easy to set up and simple to use, with results available in an instant.

Church or Religious Group

Your congregation or membership is guided by a higher purpose. Your voting process should reflect the integrity of your group, and it can when using ElectionBuddy for your leadership votes, policy referendums, or opinion polls. Learn more

Credit Union

Your members are your business; let your voting platform reflect the excellence of your team. ElectionBuddy ensures voting integrity during annual general meetings, and remote voting for leadership elections, policy referendums, or any kind of vote that your credit union requires. Learn more

Company or Partnership

Ensure that your leaders and motions reflect the integrity and success of your organization with ElectionBuddy. Whether it is in-person AGM voting or remote voting, your shareholders or partners can vote easily and anonymously.

Other Groups

Family Reunions, social clubs, book clubs or any group can use ElectionBuddy any voting needed. You don’t have to be an election pro or even have any prior election experience! The simple setup will ensure it looks like you run votes all the time!

“The flexibility, availability, and responsiveness of ElectionBuddy's personnel made the exercise of preparation through execution a breeze and a pleasure. They met and exceeded our needs and expectations."

Josue P., Associate General Counsel
Seventh-day Adventist Church
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