
First Nations and Tribal Council Elections

ElectionBuddy is the easiest voting solution for all types of tribal votes, from council meetings to nationwide votes. Voters can easily vote with high integrity results that are immediately accessible to the tribe.

Reviews from First Nations and Tribal Council Customers

"I cannot tell you how easy it was in all areas. Especially since it is so user-friendly. This is the most efficient way to do voting and ElectionBuddy is golden with my organization."

Vickie J.
Occaneechi Band of the Saponi Nation
"Mailings combined with electronic voting combined with certified results means our voters are happy, which is why we continue to use ElectionBuddy for our annual votes."

Gwen S.
Tangirnaq Native Village
"Even for someone technically challenged as me, with the help of customer service I was able to set up everything easily and fast."

Beatriz C.
Direktor, Bürger- und Sozialorganisation
Occaneechi Band of the Saponi Nation logoTangirnaq Logo DarkCity of Omaha - City Clerk's Office Logo
  • Occaneechi Band of the Saponi Nation logo
  • Tangirnaq Logo Dark
  • City of Omaha - City Clerk's Office Logo

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Eine umfassende Liste, die detailliert beschreibt, wie ElectionBuddy Ihre Abstimmungsanforderungen für 10 Wähler oder 100.000 Wähler erfüllt.
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A variety of tribal ballot ideas to meet any voting requirement to use in ElectionBuddy or your manual votes.
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See the ElectionBuddy voting process from ballot to confirmation in action for elections or tribal council meetings.
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Why First Nations and Tribal Councils choose us

Mobile Voting Equals Easy Voting

Voters can vote on their iPhone, android phone, tablet from anywhere there is cell service or Wi-Fi access. Tribal voters feel comfortable voting with their own device and appreciate the convenience too! 

Boost Turnout

Attract tribal council voters by sending multiple reminders by text message. Ensure voters vote with mobile voting and easy to read ballots. ElectionBuddy voting processes and features can increase your turnout and reponse rates by over 300%!

Election Integrity at the Core

Tribal voters can anonymously verify that their votes were properly included in the results. Vote by vote tallies and audit features allow observers to confirm that the vote was fair and unbiased so they can certify tribal council votes too!

Faster Decisions

Voting results can be immediately issued when voting closes, with a wide variety of reports to ensure a certifiable tribal council vote. And customize the voting results any way you need or broadcast results to a central voting center for easy access!

Common Questions About Tribal Elections

"It's amazing that ElectionBuddy offers all the functionality at such a reasonable price."

Matthew P., Utah State Democratic Party
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