
Higher Learning Needs Highly Effective Voting

ElectionBuddy is the number one voting platform for College and University student governments, student clubs, faculty and alumni associations by providing a secure democratic vote at an affordable price.

Reviews from College and University Customers

"I highly recommend ElectionBuddy to anyone looking to improve their election. Whether streamlining the voting process, adding another level of security and integrity, or taking the stress out of holding an election."

Ashley P., Marketing Manager
Saskatchewan Polytechnic Students' Association
"ElectionBuddy is an invaluable tool to ensure access to the democratic functions of our organization. It allowed us to have an accessible general meeting online without sacrificing any voting integrity."

Jenelle D, Organizer
BC Federation of Students
"This was the third year using ElectionBuddy for our annual meeting and elections. The personal attention from the support team is amazing and makes all the difference in the confidence in the results and timing. Overall, a great experience."

Education Management
Stevens Institute of Tecnology LogoUniversity of Malta LogoUniversity of Alberta LogoWestern Connecticut State University LogoThompson Rivers University Logo
  • Stevens Institute of Tecnology Logo
  • University of Malta Logo
  • University of Alberta Logo
  • Western Connecticut State University Logo
  • Thompson Rivers University Logo

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Eine umfassende Liste, die detailliert beschreibt, wie ElectionBuddy Ihre Abstimmungsanforderungen für 10 Wähler oder 100.000 Wähler erfüllt.
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Eine Vielzahl von Abstimmungsideen, die allen Abstimmungsanforderungen gerecht werden, können in ElectionBuddy oder Ihren manuellen Abstimmungen verwendet werden.
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Why Colleges and Universities choose us

Students and staff vote anywhere anytime

Mobile friendly, Email and SMS notices, reminders and Campus polling stations ensure voters are engaged, maximizes voting convenience and helps increase vote turnout.

One simple solution for all Campus Votes

A variety of vote types allow ElectionBuddy to manage student government executive, student group boards, faculty votes, senate meetings and alumni boards or surveys.

Easily integrate with Campus IT

Microsoft Entra Single Sign On for Administrators? Yes! Azure SSO for voters? Yes! Integrate with other providers? Yes! Share results across campus? Yes! Learn more

Affordable, even on limited budgets

Post secondary groups can pay per use or enable campus wide voting at pennies per student and staff. ElectionBuddy is priced to fit, with all the voting features you need.

Common Questions from Colleges and Universities

Student Government

Exams, assignments, papers… and an election to run on top of it all. While ElectionBuddy can’t write that paper that’s due tomorrow for you, it will make setting up and running your election a cinch — leaving you with more time to focus on that paper!

Student Groups

Focus on the mandate of your student group and ensure that your group is represented by the best students by offering a straightforward way to ensure everyone votes. Our College and University online voting system setup is fast, voting is easy, and the sharing of results is simple!

Faculty and Staff Associations

Spend more time on your professional research and less time investigating how to run a successful election to pick department leadership. ElectionBuddy’s voting software for schools is simple, straightforward interface and commitment to election integrity ensures that you get your election right the first time. Learn more

Alumni Associations

With a membership that grows every semester, reaching out to your entire alumni doesn’t have to be difficult. ElectionBuddy can help you engage your alumni by getting them involved with the decision-making process, no matter where life has taken them. Erfahren Sie mehr

Fraternities and Sororities

From decisions on fundraising initiatives to electing leadership, to feedback on chapter and national initiatives, ElectionBuddy can build a ballot or poll for anything that you need to put forth to your members. Erfahren Sie mehr

Other Campus Groups

A wide variety of features and low pricing makes ElectionBuddy your best bet for your elections, no matter what type of group you are on campus. Everyone in your group will love the voting simplicity!

Ballots that work for Colleges and Universities

Create perfectly designed accessible ballots. Below are samples used by education institutions:

Executive Officer Elections

Voters select 1 candidate and the candidate with the most votes wins. This is known as Plurality Voting.

Board Elections

Die Wähler wählen die Anzahl der Kandidaten auf der Grundlage freier Stellen. Die Kandidaten mit den meisten Stimmen gewinnen.

Meeting Votes

Voters vote to approve or reject motions or agenda items, for example, the prior meeting's minutes.

“We highly recommend ElectionBuddy to anyone looking to improve their election, whether it’s to streamline the voting process, add another level of security and integrity, or simply to take the stress of holding an election out of the equation.”

Ashley P., Marketing Manager
Saskatchewan Polytechnic Students' Association
Read More Reviews

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