
Homeowners Association Online Voting

Regardless of whether you're a Community Association Manager, on an HOA or Condominium Board, in a Strata Council or a Building Co-operative, our voting platform has the flexibility and power to handle any type of voting so you can make powerful decisions, fast. Reaching quorum has never been easier, or faster.

Terravita Homeowers Association logoThe Boulders Homeowners Association LogoAnthem Parkside Community Association Logo
  • Terravita Homeowers Association logo
  • The Boulders Homeowners Association Logo
  • Anthem Parkside Community Association Logo

Homeowners Association Reviews

"I love that it does all the counting for you and you can easily document who has voted and who has won. It made it very easy to reach the required quorum."
Ronda B.
Property Manager
“Our organization members like that they remain anonymous when voting. We mostly appreciate the excellent customer service that we've received in the five elections.”
Kiki K.
Administrator of HOA
"When we need them they are there with AWESOME support and services, but we don't need them much. ElectionBuddy is simple and easy for us and our voters, and it just works."
Mary Z.
Community Manager

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Eine umfassende Liste, die detailliert beschreibt, wie ElectionBuddy Ihre Abstimmungsanforderungen für 10 Wähler oder 100.000 Wähler erfüllt.
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Eine Vielzahl von Abstimmungsideen, die allen Abstimmungsanforderungen gerecht werden, können in ElectionBuddy oder Ihren manuellen Abstimmungen verwendet werden.
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Why Homeowners Associations choose us

Achieve quorum easily, in less time

Multiple notice types, electronic reminders, and remote and on-site strategies for capturing votes ensures that you get the best turnout you can, making the most of your online election efforts.

Online or paper or mobile voting

Whether your homeowners prefer paper, web or mobile, ElectionBuddy has a ballot that works for them — and it’s all in a convenient electronic solution that works for you.

Convenient for every homeowner

ElectionBuddy offers voting that works for those that aren't as technology friendly, whether they like a simple voting experience from their home, or walk to the community office to vote and have a coffee with staff. 

High-integrity and secure

Your homeowners want to know that their information is protected and that their voting choices are anonymous. ElectionBuddy's HOA voting software delivers this, no matter the size or scope of your election.

Common Questions from Professional Associations

Community Association Managers

Annual elections for the people that you are servicing don’t have to be difficult. Use the ElectionBuddy team to deliver election excellence to your board, without requiring the precious time you require to focus what you do the rest of your seemingly endless tasks. Learn more

HOA Boards

You’re passionate about your homeowner’s association, and we want to see your board be the best it can be. From simple setup to easy election management, ElectionBuddy's HOA online voting system can make your election a success — even if it’s your first time running an election.

Condominium Boards

It doesn’t matter if your building is big or small, short or tall, ElectionBuddy handles all your voting needs. It’s easy to ensure every property owner gets the proper number of votes using weighted voting. The rest of setup, voting, and results sharing is just as easy! Learn more

Strata Council

To ensure your decisions reflect the will of Strata Corporation members, use ElectionBuddy to elect your council, approve budgets and gather feedback. Owners get the right number of votes with weighted voting. Notice sharing is easy, and it’s simple to vote at a meeting or at home.

Building Co-Operative

Whether it’s buying decisions, vendor selection, budgets, tenant selection, or building representatives, ElectionBuddy is an all-in-one tool that allows all kinds of votes for your owners. Voting ensures decisions are made co-operatively, and mirror the will of the majority of owners. Learn more

Ballots that work for Homeowners Associations

Create perfectly designed accessible ballots. Below are samples used by HOAs like you:

Board Elections

Die Wähler wählen die Anzahl der Kandidaten auf der Grundlage freier Stellen. Die Kandidaten mit den meisten Stimmen gewinnen.

Bylaw Amendments

Voters approve or reject a bylaw amendment by reviewing an attached document or summary.

Fee Approvals

Voters review and confirm an attached budget and provide comments.

“We made the perfect decision by choosing ElectionBuddy. We reached quorum the first day! Our voter participation exceeded 30% voter engagement, more than the past three elections combined!”

Kevin F., Treasurer, 
Cortina Homeowners Association
Read More Reviews

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