
The Voting Platform for Unifying Your Union!

ElectionBuddy is the easiest voting solution for all types of Unions. Increase your member engagement and make decisions faster, with more buy-in. Take the stress out of the voting process.

Reviews from Union customers

"We've received positive feedback from our members (voters) about how "easy" it was for them to vote. Our members especially highlighted being able to receive their ballot by SMS text, as many of them work in the field"

Joanne C.
SEIU Local 1021
"Há tantas opções de personalização para sua eleição. É ótimo para tudo, desde uma pequena eleição até uma votação ao vivo estilo convenção com muitos delegados votando com diferentes níveis de poder de voto."

Ethan M.
DC Labor
"ElectionBuddy was super easy to use and create new votes as needed, and the results can be displayed right from the console to the meeting. I would highly recommend it for conducting any type of voting."

Scott J.
Newfoundland & Labrador Teachers' Association
CWA logoInternational Brotherhood of Teamsters LogoServices Employees International Union LogoAmerican Federation of Musicians LogoAircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association Logo
  • CWA logo
  • International Brotherhood of Teamsters Logo
  • Services Employees International Union Logo
  • American Federation of Musicians Logo

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Recursos feitos para o Brasil

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Why Unions choose us

Follows the DOL voting guidelines

Our commitment to election security and integrity means that ElectionBuddy follows the online voting requirements set by the United States Department of Labor Office of Labor Management Standards.

A simple solution for all kinds of elections

A comprehensive set of voting methods allow ElectionBuddy to be used for more than just leadership votes — it can handle contract ratifications, strike votes or surveys that require members to vote.

Engage all of your members

Email and SMS notice types and reminders, as well as remote and on-site strategies for capturing votes, maximizes the convenience of voting and helps you increase turnout.

Allocate less monthly dues to administration

Monthly dues should go toward improvements for your members, not for expensive voting platforms. ElectionBuddy allows you to put more of those dollars back into your members!

Common Questions from Unions

K-12 Teacher/Staff Union

Focus on your passion (educating students) while making it easy to ensure that you have the right representation in place. Voting on agreements, budgets, executives, or any kind of association vote is fast, straightforward and easy to set up.

Fire/Police/Ambulance Union

Protecting the public is your number one priority. ElectionBuddy ensures that your time is best spent on your important duties, while making voting on all your union business easy, quick to set up, and ensures every member knows the results of every decision.

Federal Government Union

A nationally dispersed membership is one of the toughest to manage, and mailing can be quite expensive and time-consuming. ElectionBuddy helps you ensure the success of your election by reaching all of your members via electronic notice methods, and saves you valuable dollars and hours.

Nurses Union

Nurses trust ElectionBuddy for streamlined voting on staffing, contracts, and leadership decisions, ensuring efficient patient-centric care. Our user-friendly platform lets you focus on what matters most – your patients' well-being. Learn more

Trade Union

Efficiently vote on labor matters, from collective bargaining to leadership elections. Our easy setup, member reflection, and legislative compliance keep you focused on representing your members effectively. Learn more

Entertainment Union

ElectionBuddy simplifies voting allowing for faster decisions on contracts, and industry leadership positions, and industry matters. Voting is flexible and efficient, ensuring that diverse talents and voices are represented.

National Union

Multiple voting methods to help you reach your members? Check. Election integrity? Check. Secure data storage? Check! ElectionBuddy has the features and technology you need to meet your legislative requirements and engage your members, no matter where they are across the country.

Union Local/District /Precinct

Large membership or small, ElectionBuddy makes it simple to vote on all the kinds of elections you run. Leadership votes, meeting votes, contract ratifications, collective bargaining feedback — ElectionBuddy is your all-in-one voting solution.

Other Unions

ElectionBuddy meets all union requirements for musician unions, trade unions, venue unions, or any kind of organized labour. Flexible ballot types, multiple voting systems, and easy setup ensures that you get proper, reflective representation every time.

Ballots that work for Unions

To meet your regulatory needs, create perfectly designed, secure, accessible, auditable ballots. Below are samples used by unions like you:

Executive Officer Elections

Voters select 1 candidate and the candidate with the most votes wins. This is known as Plurality Voting.

Contract Ratification

Voters choose to either approve or reject the contract by reviewing the proposal.

Meeting Resolution

Voters vote for or against a resolution during a meeting or on the ballot of a remote election.

“Your experience is evident and your team was with us every step of the way. Thanks for all the calm work in a high-pressure situation. ElectionBuddy's ability to handle weighted votes for Roll-Call votes is fantastic!”

Chris G., Director, 
DC Labor Council AFL-CIO
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