
Easy Voting for any Government

ElectionBuddy is the easiest voting solution for all types of governments, whether large or small. Whether you're running remote votes or onsite elections, your voters can easily vote and with high integrity results.

Reviews from Government Customers

"The experience was top-notch! Our turnout increased to 85%! Your Election Experts are quick to respond with amazing expertise and effective issue resolution."

Matthew P.
Utah State Democratic Patry
"ElectionBuddy has been used for their Executive Committee, Bylaw amendments, and Budget elections. Kate recommends us as a highly secure system."

Kate C., Chair
Washington County Democratic Party
"Even for someone technically challenged as me, with the help of customer service I was able to set up everything easily and fast."

Beatriz C.
Diretora, Organização Cívica e Social
Utah State Democratic Patry LogoWashington County Democratic Party LogoCity of Omaha - City Clerk's Office Logo
  • Utah State Democratic Patry Logo
  • Washington County Democratic Party Logo
  • City of Omaha - City Clerk's Office Logo

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Why governments choose us

Fully auditable votes

ElectionBuddy creates an audit trail of every change you make to your vote election, ensuring that your voting is transparent to your voters, and they can feel comfortable putting their trust in you.

Uncompromising election integrity

ElectionBuddy is designed to keep election integrity as the number one goal. Voters can anonymously verify that their votes was properly including in the results while ensuring the anonymity of their voting choices.

Voting as great as your government

Enhance your brand and visibility to your constituents. Add your logo to the ballot, customize your notices and ballots with a tone that typifies friendliness, and ensure inclusivity by offering voting in multiple languages. 

Educated voters make better decisions

Add candidates or questions, include a candidate photo and a detailed biography, or a document that explains the details being voted on and link back to your own government website for further details.

Federal Government

ElectionBuddy is the simple to setup, secure, election and voting software for all your departments and stakeholders. Meet your high integrity requirements and security needs while easily running any type of vote.

State or Provincial Government

Obtain feedback on any file or offer your departments an easy to use voting experience. Increase engagement reaching eligible voters using a variety of notice methods and allow voters to voting at their convivence with an easy voting flow.

Municipal Government

External verifiable polls and public opinion feedback is a snap with ElectionBuddy. Have your constituents vote on policy, knowing that your vote has integrity and is auditable and verifiable.

County Government

Turnout is challenging when your membership is dispersed with with spotty internet access. Voters can be reached using email or text message, and can vote electronically or using paper ballots. The voting process is easy to use for anyone.

Other Government and NGOs

From regional votes, to worldwide candidate elections and bylaw amendments, ElectionBuddy is your fullsome voting platform. Vote during meetings, or remotely, with auditable and verifiable results using a variety of voting systems.

"It's amazing that ElectionBuddy offers all the functionality at such a reasonable price."

Matthew P., Utah State Democratic Party
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