
Offer Voting to your Clients and Vote in your Firm too!

ElectionBuddy is the easiest voting solution for Lawyers and Accountants. Generate additional fees by assisting clients with their votes and motions. And  simplify voting on new partners or gaining partner agreement on important firm initiatives too! 

Reviews from customers

"We were impressed from the start. ElectionBuddy was a pleasure to work with and answered all our questions from motion set up to run-off votes"
Marianne M., IS Administration Coordinator
Paul, Weiss LLP
"Our team demands excellence and ElectionBuddy exceeded our demands and expectations. We highly recommend this platform!"
John C., Chief Information Officer 
Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP
"ElectionBuddy is used for our Council and President elections. The customer support is brilliant and we like the system more every time we use it!"
Jacqui T., Training Director
New Zealand Bar Association
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  • Delloite Logo
  • Lathrop GPM Logo
  • Shutts Logo
  • Vinson and Elkins Logo

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Recursos feitos para o Brasil

Uma lista abrangente detalhando como o ElectionBuddy atende aos seus requisitos de votação para 10 ou 100.000 eleitores.
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Amostras de Cédulas

Uma variedade de ideias de votação para atender a qualquer requisito de votação que pode ser usada no eleitoral ou em seus votos manuais.
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Why lawyers and accountants choose us

Integrity is integral to the online voting process

ElectionBuddy has been carefully crafted to ensure that online election integrity is safeguarded at every step. This ensures that your partners, and clients share the same trust with you that you have with ElectionBuddy.

Seriously simple voting software

Whether it’s your first time or tenth time using ElectionBuddy, it is designed to be usable with minimal training. From setup to voting to results, both you and your voters will breeze through the process.

Vote online on anything you want

A highly extensive list of voting methods, combined with multiple ballot options and different setting configurations means that ElectionBuddy can be used to vote on anything and everything.

Boost turnout with anywhere access

Today, everyone has a cell phone, and ElectionBuddy turns your voters’ cell phones into voting machines. They can receive text message notices to vote, and can vote using their phone’s web browser.

Ballots that work for Lawyers and Accountants

Create perfectly designed accessible ballots. Below are samples used by firms like yours:

Partner Approval

Existing partners of the firm approve or reject a new partner.

Budget Approvals

Voters review and confirm an attached budget and provide comments.

Client Board Elections

Os eleitores escolhem o número de candidatos com base nas vagas. Os candidatos com mais votos vencem.


ElectionBuddy works for all your client voting no matter their industry. Elect Executive or board positions, approve bylaw amendments or motions whether before or during annual meetings. And it's great for partner votes and staff awards too!
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Oversee client votes with the same integrity you provide on financial statement attestation. Elect candidates or approve motions before or during annual meetings for association membership, union delegates, homeowners, shareholders or partners. Learn more


Your firm has highly talented professionals so provide them a professional voting solution to vote on partners, staff awards, firm initiatives or key strategic items with the same level of rigor and integrity that your firm has built its reputation on.

“ElectionBuddy provided Fully Managed Services in order to maintain the integrity that reflects our court and judicial system. Our elections have been challenged via a court case which was ultimately dismissed, due in part to the high integrity of the ElectionBuddy Process."

Glenn D., President
New York State Court
Clerks Association
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Vamos discutir como nossos especialistas podem projetar e executar seus votos remotamente, no local ou ambos.
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