
Online Ballots: 3 Easy Steps to Online Election Excellence

How Voting Ballots Work in ElectionBuddy


Easily Design your Ballots

Set up and Schedule Elections or Meeting Votes for virtual voting and In-Person voting with customized ballots. Add candidates with photos, or motions and bylaws. Design email, text or postcard or letter notices. Then add your voter list, and start the voting!

Easily Engage your Voters

Voters receive notice by email, text or mail then vote using a phone, tablet or computer. Schedule election reminders to boost turnout and we'll monitor notice delivery for you too!

Easily Share Certified Results

Results tally instantly, while ensuring voter anonymity. Share reports automatically or after your approval. Email notice of results, and provide access from your website too!

Erfahren Sie mehr über ElectionBuddy

Review samples, features, or watch videos, whichever is best for you!


A comprehensive list of how ElectionBuddy can meet your ballot requirements–online for ten voters or 100,000 voters.

Sehen Sie sich alle Funktionen an


A variety of ballot ideas to meet any voting requirement you are looking to use in ElectionBuddy’s online or manual voting process.
Stimmzettelmuster ansehen


Check out the ElectionBuddy voting process, from the ballot to confirmation, in action for online elections meetings.

Sehen Sie sich die Videos an

Reviews from ElectionBuddy Customers

„Wir nutzen ElectionBuddy seit 2017 für unsere jährlichen Vorstandswahlen und Satzungsabstimmungen. Die Benutzererfahrung ist großartig und für unsere Mitglieder einfach zu bedienen. Bei der Überprüfung anderer Software war ElectionBuddy weit überlegen.“
Lindsey R, Senior Executive
Space Coast Association of IMMOBILIEN
„Sie können so viel tun, um Ihre Wahl individuell anzupassen. Es eignet sich hervorragend für alles, von kleinen Wahlen bis hin zu Live-Abstimmungen im Kongressstil, bei denen viele Delegierte mit unterschiedlicher Stimmenstärke abstimmen.“
Ethan M.
Sekretär-Schatzmeister, Bauwesen
"Even for someone technically challenged as me, with the help of customer service I was able to set up everything easily and fast."
Beatriz C.
Direktor, Bürger- und Sozialorganisation

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Whether you just need a little training or you want us to take care of the entire online or on-site voting process, let’s chat about what works for you so you can make amazing group decisions more quickly.

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