
Microsoft + ElectionBuddy 
= Voting Excellence

Dive into a world of Microsoft Azure and Entra Single-Sign on for Voting Administrators and Voters.  And our seamless video conference integrations with Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Sharepoint will make your voting process smoother, more engaging, and totally awesome. Your voting world can be better place with Microsoft integrations to enhance your elections and meetings.

How ElectionVote Works with Microsoft


Microsft Azure Integration

Administrators login with their Microsft username and password. New users become administrators automatically based on their Microsoft Azure role.  And Voters access their vote using their Microsoft credentials at your ElectionBuddy SSO page. 

Enhancing the Voter Experience

Picture this: you're attending a virtual meeting, and suddenly, it's time for a crucial vote. With integration to Microsoft Teams, you won't need to switch between tabs or apps. Voters cast their vote while staying connected with fellow attendees.

Microsoft Teams Integration

During a Microsoft Teams meeting, attendees receive a notification to vote in the Micsoft Teams chat, vote in ElectionBuudy and return to Microsoft Teams to discuss the next agenda item.  If you love Microsoft Teams, ElectionBuddy has you covered.

How MeetingVote Works with Microsoft


Microsoft Teams Integration

During a Microsoft Teams meeting, attendees receive a notification to vote in the Micsoft Teams chat, vote in ElectionBuudy and return to Microsoft Teams to discuss the next agenda item.  If you love Microsoft Teams, ElectionBuddy has you covered.

Enhancing the Voter Experience

Picture this: you're attending a virtual meeting, and suddenly, it's time for a crucial vote. With integration to Microsoft Teams, you won't need to switch between tabs or apps. Voters cast their vote while staying connected with fellow attendees.

Microsft Azure Integration

Administrators login with their Microsft username and password. New users become administrators automatically based on their Microsoft Azure role.  And Voters access their vote using their Microsoft credentials at your ElectionBuddy SSO page. 

Erfahren Sie mehr über ElectionBuddy

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Eine umfassende Liste, die detailliert beschreibt, wie ElectionBuddy Ihre Abstimmungsanforderungen für 10 Wähler oder 100.000 Wähler erfüllt.
Sehen Sie sich alle Funktionen an


Eine Vielzahl von Abstimmungsideen, die allen Abstimmungsanforderungen gerecht werden, können in ElectionBuddy oder Ihren manuellen Abstimmungen verwendet werden.
Stimmzettelmuster ansehen


Sehen Sie sich den ElectionBuddy-Abstimmungsprozess von der Stimmabgabe bis zur Bestätigung in Aktion für Wahlen oder Versammlungen an.
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