
Free Online Election Tool: The Features and Benefits of ElectionBuddy's Voting Software

How Elections and Meeting Votes Work in ElectionBuddy


Easily Create Free Ballots

Set up and schedule elections or meeting votes for virtual and in-person voting. Add candidates with photos, motions, and bylaws with our voter management tools. Design and send email, text, postcard, or letter notices. Upload your voter list, and start the voting process!

Engage Voters for Free

Voters receive notifications via email, text, or mail, allowing them to vote from a phone, tablet, or computer. Increase turnout with scheduled reminders, and we’ll handle delivery monitoring for you!

Freely Share Certified Results

Election results are tallied instantly while maintaining voter anonymity. Share reports automatically or upon your approval. Notify voters by email and provide access to results from your website!

Learn More About ElectionBuddy

Review samples, features, or watch videos to learn about ElectionBuddy voting features, whichever is best for you!

Features built for United Kingdom

A comprehensive list of how ElectionBuddy can meet your voting requirements–online for ten voters or 100,000 voters.

See all the Features

Ballot Samples

A variety of ballot ideas to meet any voting requirement you are looking to use in ElectionBuddy’s online or manual voting process.
View Ballot Samples


Check out the ElectionBuddy voting process, from the ballot to confirmation, in action for online elections meetings.

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Exploring the Functionality of Free Online Voting Software

Invite Up to Twenty Participating Voters

All of the inclusions within our online voting platform are designed to streamline management, with the option of adding up to twenty voters to each election or voting process. Administrators can upload a contact list or add the details for each eligible voter to their digital account and ensure all participants receive a secure web link or email communication to their preferred device.

Tailor Candidate Photos and Bios

Including additional details, such as a headshot and biography, helps voters understand how to cast their ballot and see what each potential nominee or representative offers or aims to achieve. Election management can decide how much or little information to include but can adapt this to their election process, such as permitting candidates a fixed word count to summarize the key points in their manifesto or clarify why they wish to be elected.

Manage Write-In Candidates Online

Depending on the nature of the election, voters or members may be permitted to nominate write-in candidates; these are candidates who haven't appeared on the original ballot but are eligible to run or have been put forward by another participant. Our platform enables voters or administrators to add and verify write-in candidates directly through the free voting software.

Create Custom Election Notices

An election notice is essential and sets out all the terms and rules, usually dictated by the governing documentation behind the organization or group. For example, a notice could detail the date and time cut-offs for a live voting process, explain how voters can submit ballots in person or online, and highlight when and how each eligible voter can find out more about the position, role, or decision they are voting on.

Use Trial Election Templates and Forms

ElectionBuddy is a specialist online voting software provider with an extensive library of templates, forms, and designs. This enables officials to create customized information, add logos and details to their digital ballots, or use integrations to expedite the admin tasks that often have the heaviest time burden when running an election.

Log Abstentions Through the Platform

Our innovative free tool allows organizations to handle abstentions, where a voter decides to withhold a vote or doesn't wish to participate for any reason. This may be because a voter or committee member doesn't want to submit their vote for personal reasons, perceives a potential conflict of interest, or isn't technically eligible to vote in this particular decision due to their position or because they have already nominated a candidate or seconded a motion.

Need help getting your party on the same page?

Whether you just need a little training or you want us to take care of the entire online or on-site voting process, let’s chat about what works for you so you can make amazing decisions more quickly.

Explore ElectionBuddy

View the ElectionBuddy online election capabilities and examples, try it out, or talk to an expert, it's up to you!

Review the Features

View the full feature list, watch videos, check out ballot samples, or read tip sheets and guides.
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Test then Do It Yourself

Test for free and then run online elections and meeting votes for your full membership.

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We Do It All for You

Let's discuss how our Experts can design and run your votes for you remotely, onsite or both.

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Learn More About the Free Election and Voting Management Services

The Easiest Election Experience Ever.

Try ElectionBuddy right now for free. Experience how easy democracy can be with our 3-step process, including unlimited test elections, support along the way, and every feature we offer. 

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