

What is a QR Code?

What new technology does is create new opportunities to do a job that customers want done. — Tim O’Reilly A QR (Quick Response) code is a two-dimensional barcode that can hold a lot more information when compared to your standard barcode. It was first created in 1994 by the automotive industry in Japan. This code […]
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Compulsory Voting in Australia

Ever wonder how compulsory voting in Australia works? If so, then you have come to the right place! First Off, What Is Compulsory Voting? Compulsory voting is when a country legally requires that a citizen who is of legal voting age participates in elections. Some countries that currently enforce compulsory voting are: For more informatio
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New branding. Way more smiles.

In the last year we’ve been a part of over 40,000 votes and helped almost 6 million voters make their voice heard. With all of that democratic activity, we’ve expanded and grown to help as many customers as we can. So we asked ourselves the question, was our brand matching up? The answer involved taking […]
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All Hands On Deck: Working Remotely

Because of the crazy times we are living in (thanks, COVID-19), the entire ElectionBuddy team is now working remotely! This means we are still hard at work to ensure that there is zen in your elections. We also get to benefit from some cuddly new team members! Meet Jasper, our election observer (along with a few other, […
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Fresh Features, Functionality, and Framework

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Features! Functionality! Framework! Fresh Features, Functionality, and Framework Feature — Reporting Groups ElectionBuddy has recently released a new feature called “Reporting Groups”! I think the reporting groups is the most exciting of our new releases since it has been a huge labour of love from o
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Voting in Outer Space

“To sit back and let fate play its hand out and never influence it is not the way man was meant to operate.” — John Glenn Voting in Outer Space If you have ever found yourself wondering about voting in outer space, this is the blog post you have been looking for. In 1997 a law […]
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How To Perform a Runoff Election With ElectionBuddy

Congratulations! It’s a … tie? How To Perform a Runoff Election With ElectionBuddy Your election has ended. Anticipation rises as you go to view the results. Like a kid on Christmas morning, you run to your computer, log into your ElectionBuddy account, click on your election’s name, and … your eyes widen in dread. There […
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Nine Million Votes Cast on ElectionBuddy.com – Milestone Achieved

After many elections and lots of effort, we have now reached nine million votes cast on ElectionBuddy! To celebrate this milestone, I will highlight nine features I personally love about ElectionBuddy: The ability to update your voter’s contact information after your election has started. This feature is fantastic because it allows yo
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Foot Powder for Mayor?

The people have spoken, and what they want is well-being and hygiene. Foot Powder for Mayor? Once upon a time, during the year 1967, it was election time in the tiny Ecuadorian town of Picoazà. Like many other small towns, they were holding an election for the mayor of their community. This election was different, however, […
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Estonia and I-Voting

Electronic voting as becoming a popular way to conduct elections but what would electronic voting actually look like on a national level? Estonia and I-Voting Estonia is the first country to allow for electronic voting (or i-voting) in conjunction with paper ballots for a nation-wide election. Estonia’s i-voting has been in place since&
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What My Grade 11 Social Studies Teacher Taught Me About Voting

“Young people need to vote. They need to get out there. Every vote counts. Educate yourself too. Don’t just vote. Know what you’re voting for, and stand by that.” - Nikki Reed What My Grade 11 Social Studies Teacher Taught Me About Voting I remember my mother always being actively engaged in the idea of democracy an
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The Importance of Having Correct Email Addresses

Whether it is an embarrassing email address created in your youth or a straightforward work email address, it is important that it is inputted correctly in your voter list! The Importance of Having Correct Email Addresses Electionbuddy offers numerous methods of contacting voters about upcoming elections. An important method of communicat
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Why Do Emails Get Marked as Spam

Whether it’s the food kind or the email kind, no one likes spam. Here are some of the most common causes of accidental spam emails. Why Do Emails Get Marked as Spam? When sending email notices to voters it’s discouraging to receive the undeliverable status meaning the voter never received their notice to vote! Currently […]
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Six Million Votes Cast on ElectionBuddy.com — Milestone Achieved

Over six million votes have now been cast in elections on ElectionBuddy. Election administrators and voters alike, you have been busy! Six Million Little Changes A Fresh New Look So, to celebrate this milestone, we have given ElectionBuddy a new site design!  When visiting ElectionBuddy.com, the first thing you will notice is le
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