
Here's what we've found for you!

Plurality Vs. Majority Voting

Majority and plurality voting systems are two of the most common you will find globally. If you live in a demo...

Ranked Choice Voting in New York City

Ranked choice voting....

Using Two-Factor Authentication

One-factor, two-factor, red-factor, blue-factor. When voting it is reasonable to worry about the security of s...

Radio Buttons vs. Checkboxes — What's the Difference?

There is always a rhyme and reason to web desgin. You might have noticed when building your ballot that Electi...

What is a QR Code?

What new technology does is create new opportunities to do a job that customers want done. — Tim O’Reilly ...

Compulsory Voting in Australia

Ever wonder how compulsory voting in Australia works? If so, then you have come to the right place! First Off,...

New branding. Way more smiles.

In the last year we’ve been a part of over 40,000 votes and helped almost 6 million voters make their voice ...

All Hands On Deck: Working Remotely

Because of the crazy times we are living in (thanks, COVID-19), the entire ElectionBuddy team is now working r...

Fresh Features, Functionality, and Framework

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Features! Functionality! Framework! Fresh Features, Functionality, and Framew...

Voting in Outer Space

“To sit back and let fate play its hand out and never influence it is not the way man was meant to operate.â...

How To Perform a Runoff Election With ElectionBuddy

Congratulations! It’s a … tie? How To Perform a Runoff Election With ElectionBuddy Your election has ended...

Nine Million Votes Cast on ElectionBuddy.com – Milestone Achieved

After many elections and lots of effort, we have now reached nine million votes cast on ElectionBuddy! To cele...

Foot Powder for Mayor?

The people have spoken, and what they want is well-being and hygiene. Foot Powder for Mayor? Once upon a time,...

Estonia and I-Voting

Electronic voting as becoming a popular way to conduct elections but what would electronic voting actually loo...
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