
Here's what we've found for you!

What Are The Three Types Of Voting Systems?

An electoral system is how citizens appoint federal and state officials. There are different kinds of electora...

What Is A Preferential Ballot?

A preference ballot is one where the voter ranks the choices of candidates in terms of partiality. It is consi...

Understanding How Preferential Voting Works

Preferential voting, also called instant-runoff voting, is used in single-seat elections with more than two ca...

What is a Cumulative-Voting Calculator?

Cumulative voting is one of the many different methods used to determine the outcome of an election. Depending...

Understanding the Cumulative Voting Formula

Running elections is more than announcing the most popular nominee as the winner. There are, in fact, several ...

The Difference Between Cumulative Voting Vs. Straight Voting

Most people understand the importance of the right to vote. After all, how else will those in power hear the o...

Significant Approval Voting Pros And Cons

Approval voting is a single-winner voting system that enables voters to cast their ballot for any number of ca...

Analyzing Ranked Choice Vs. Approval Voting

Electoral reform is a hot topic in the United States these days. Even though ranked-choice voting is receiving...

A Detailed Approval Voting Method Example

Approval voting refers to a single-winner system. Each voter may choose; or approve any number of candidates r...

What Are The Benefits Of Having A Direct Binding Referendum?

For anyone living or operating in a democracy, understanding what a recall, referendum, and initiative are is ...

What Is A Recall, Referendum And Initiative?

Recall, referendum and initiative processes are electoral devices used by citizens when they want to take part...

Understanding the Differences Between an Initiative vs. Referendum

Our involvement in politics doesn’t begin or end with the presidential ballot. When politicians take their p...

What Is The Difference Between A Plurality Voting System And A Majority Voting System?

Democracy has long been a political idea that many countries have woven into their societal structure. However...

Difference Between Plurality And Majority Voting Systems

Democracy is a fantastic theoretical idea successfully implemented by many societies across the globe. To put ...
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