

A Detailed Approval Voting Method Example

Approval voting refers to a single-winner system. Each voter may choose; or approve any number of candidates running for office, and the one with the highest number of votes becomes the winner. The ballot on which voters can mark several candidates is an approval ballot. The use of this kind of ballot is what makes […]
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What Are The Benefits Of Having A Direct Binding Referendum?

For anyone living or operating in a democracy, understanding what a recall, referendum, and initiative are is essential. These are popular electoral devices that empower people to participate in government activities, especially local, state, and federal legislation.  A referendum, in particular, allows direct voting on matters of politi
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What Is A Recall, Referendum And Initiative?

Recall, referendum and initiative processes are electoral devices used by citizens when they want to take part in government activities. A recall allows people to remove public officials from office, while referendum voting and initiatives allow citizens to propose, approve, or veto specific legislation. Let’s break down each to underst
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Understanding the Differences Between an Initiative vs. Referendum

Our involvement in politics doesn’t begin or end with the presidential ballot. When politicians take their positions, proposing legislation on our behalf, voters continue to play a vital role in government. That’s how democracy works.  Suppose we’re dissatisfied with the government. Or, maybe the government needs public approva
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What Is The Difference Between A Plurality Voting System And A Majority Voting System?

Democracy has long been a political idea that many countries have woven into their societal structure. However, the system and procedures to implement a country’s democratic wishes differ from nation to nation. In practice, there are various voting systems to award election winners.  Two standard voting systems are the plurality vo
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Difference Between Plurality And Majority Voting Systems

Democracy is a fantastic theoretical idea successfully implemented by many societies across the globe. To put it in place, though, you need to guarantee that you can run a fair election first, regardless of your intention or purpose. From voting for the president of the United States to voting for the chairperson of your local […]
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Plurality Vs. Majority Voting

Majority and plurality voting systems are two of the most common you will find globally. If you live in a democratic country, the likelihood is that you will vote underneath one of these systems when choosing an elected official in some way.  Yet, there are critical differences between plurality and majority voting systems that are [
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Ranked Choice Voting in New York City

Ranked choice voting.
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Using Two-Factor Authentication

One-factor, two-factor, red-factor, blue-factor. When voting it is reasonable to worry about the security of someone's vote. How can we ensure that not just anyone uses a voter's access key from an email, postcard, or text message? Thankfully there is a way to ensure that other voters do not use someone else's access key to […]
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Radio Buttons vs. Checkboxes — What's the Difference?

There is always a rhyme and reason to web desgin. You might have noticed when building your ballot that ElectionBuddy alternates between using radio buttons: And the use of checkboxes: While it might seem like this design choice is random, it is actually an industry standard when it comes to web design. So, what is […]
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What is a QR Code?

What new technology does is create new opportunities to do a job that customers want done. — Tim O’Reilly A QR (Quick Response) code is a two-dimensional barcode that can hold a lot more information when compared to your standard barcode. It was first created in 1994 by the automotive industry in Japan. This code […]
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Compulsory Voting in Australia

Ever wonder how compulsory voting in Australia works? If so, then you have come to the right place! First Off, What Is Compulsory Voting? Compulsory voting is when a country legally requires that a citizen who is of legal voting age participates in elections. Some countries that currently enforce compulsory voting are: For more informatio
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New branding. Way more smiles.

In the last year we’ve been a part of over 40,000 votes and helped almost 6 million voters make their voice heard. With all of that democratic activity, we’ve expanded and grown to help as many customers as we can. So we asked ourselves the question, was our brand matching up? The answer involved taking […]
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All Hands On Deck: Working Remotely

Because of the crazy times we are living in (thanks, COVID-19), the entire ElectionBuddy team is now working remotely! This means we are still hard at work to ensure that there is zen in your elections. We also get to benefit from some cuddly new team members! Meet Jasper, our election observer (along with a few other, […
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