

Private Member Associations 

The chances that you have interacted and engaged in some shape or form with a Private Member Association are high. While you might not be familiar with the term, let's take a moment to point out a few associations you might have been part of. Are you a member of a gym or a country […]
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Board of Directors Best Practices

The mission behind most boards of directors is to act in its members' best interests, help its organization thrive, and stick to its purpose, vision, and goals. The scope and the responsibilities of the board members vary depending on the size of the board, the number of members that make up an organization, if it […]
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How Board Members Are Nominated

Whether the Board of Directors of your organization is planning a succession, looking to make structural changes, or you are establishing a board for the first time, you will need a board nominations committee. Board nominating committees are responsible for nominating board members. Their roles include evaluating current policies and rol
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Board Nominating Committee Process

Whether your organization is actively developing a board nomination process, or you’re looking to improve on current methods, it is important to understand a board member nomination process. A board nominating committee is typically a select group of directors or members that are tasked with selecting nominees for upcoming board member
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Board Member Nomination Process

You could be starting to unionize at your workplace, you could be peeking into your local Homeowners’ Association, or you could be looking to teach the power of democracy to students at your K-12 school. Elections, no matter in what organization or structure, are empowering. Many could say the democratic process is even sacred, which [&
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Voting for Ratification Clause in Contract

Contracts are created to set agreeable terms among different entities, so it is intuitive that contracts be agreed upon by the relevant parties before they are adopted. However, if a contract is meant to define terms of agreement among a large number of people, it may be difficult to ensure that all parties have had […]
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Hotel Union Contract Ratification Votes

For hotel workers out there, understanding the union contract ratification vote can be a challenge. Simply Googling “contract ratification rules” won’t tell you everything you need to know. But don’t worry–in this guide, you’ll find the basics of a hotel union contract, the mechanism and importance of ratification votes, and t
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Does a Ratification Contract Require Good Faith?

A contract ensures stable and productive relationships among entities by defining the terms of agreement among them. To ensure that contracts function properly, it is important that they are approved by all. To do so, contracts between parties such as employers and employees are created after bargaining between both parties, and it is exp
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Can the Ratification of a Contract Be Withdrawn?

Ratification is a complex term with different meanings in different domains. Generally, it refers to the silent agreement of an activity by an authority. For example, let’s suppose you hire external help to deliver goods for the month. You don’t seek your employer's written approval, but the employer divides the pay between you and th
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What Is the Purpose of Acclamations?

Let us kick things off by highlighting some of the basics of the acclamation vote. In simple terms, election by acclamation is the term used to describe a situation when electing through audible agreement or showing approval through clapping or cheering. Not all of us are familiar with the different electoral processes, be it nationally,
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What Does ‘Elected By Acclamation’ Mean?

For many people, the term ‘vote by acclamation' or 'elected by acclamation' is not something that they don’t come across regularly and may be unfamiliar. In simple terms, it essentially refers to an uncontested election where the number of candidates equals (or is less than) the number of seats that are vacant. As a result, […]
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HOA Election by Acclamation

There are occasions when a homeowners association (HOA) has an uncontested election because there are only the same number of candidates, or fewer, interested in running for a position on the HOA board. For example, if there are three openings on the board, and only three people who want to assume those roles, then a […]
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Website to Vote on Ideas

Whether you’re choosing who gets which award at your company awards, what play your class should perform, or what’s on the menu at your lunch party, you might wish you had an easy way to hold a vote. Voting in person can acquire a lot of time and resources–read on to learn about websites that […]
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Mock Election Ideas for High School

Education is not limited to plotting quadratic equations and reading comprehension exercises–it is meant to better prepare students for the world. A quality high school experience should help students become well-rounded members of society who are able to express their opinions and make decisions for the collective good.  Holding m
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