

What Percentage of People Vote in Community Elections?

The percentage of people who participate in community elections is low and continues to decline. According to a report published by the National Civic League, the highest voter percentage recorded is about 47% (in Bradenton, Florida), and in some places, the percentage is as low as 6%.  Unfortunately, low engagement levels often lead
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What Is Community Association Management?

There’s a lot of confusion about what community association management (CAM) is. Many people consider it to be the same as home association management, condominium association, and even general property association management–but that’s not the case. In this post, we’ll dive into the basics of CAM and how it is foundational to a h
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How Do You Vote for a Community?

Every vote counts—especially when you're a voting member of a community. Your vote can directly influence whether your beliefs and opinions are represented and whether you have a voice in local governance. While it’s easy to dismiss this idea, consider a time when you might need someone in authority to advocate on your behalf. If [&he
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What Is Ranked-Choice Voting?

Voters have often found themselves stuck at a crossroads, torn between voting for the candidate they truly believe in or the one who stands a better chance of winning. This predicament is why there is growing support for ranked-choice elections. The Voting Dilemma Explained When there are multiple candidates in a race they can identify [&
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Sports Voting System

Whether public or nonprofit, a sports organization requires a governing board, subcommittee, and administrative team to manage its daily operations. However, these positions have set terms, meaning board and committee members serve for a specific number of years before stepping down to allow new, well-suited individuals to take their plac
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Sports Awards Voting

When a sports club is approaching award season, it’s time to implement an online award voting system to save the club’s time and money.  Online voting systems, like ElectionBuddy, can make sports club elections much easier. With our simple, sophisticated, and secure voting process, clubs can efficiently conduct high-integrity pol
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Ranked-Choice Voting Calculator

As we usher in a new era of democratic engagement, a remarkable trend is sweeping across organizations and reshaping decision-making: the growing adoption of ranked-choice voting. Whether it's corporate boards, non-profit organizations, or student unions, many are embracing this novel approach to running elections and using ranked-choice
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Condorcet Versus Ranked-Choice Voting

Voting is an integral part of our society and is used by many organizations because it encourages participation, fosters transparency, and ensures decisions are made collectively. Election and voting mechanisms take numerous forms, each with distinct nuances, advantages, and limitations.  Understanding the Basics of Two Different Sys
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Legal and Regulatory Considerations for Electronic Voting: Navigating Privacy, Data Protection, and Compliance

Electronic voting systems bring forth new legal and regulatory considerations that must be addressed for their successful implementation. In this blog post, we will explore the legal framework and regulatory requirements surrounding electronic voting. Specifically, we will delve into privacy laws, data protection, and compliance standards
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Amateur Sports Elections

An amateur sports organization is run exclusively to teach sports to youth, support and develop amateur athletes, facilitate national or international competitions, and combat juvenile delinquency. They may also take over sports-related responsibilities of the government.  These organizations may be exempt from tax under IRC 501 (c)
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The Human Factor: Ensuring Smooth Implementation of Electronic Voting Systems through Education and Training

Electronic voting systems bring technological advancements to the electoral process, but the human factor remains critical for their successful implementation. In this blog post, we will emphasize the importance of training and educating election officials, poll workers, and voters in the context of electronic voting systems. By investing
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Advantages of Ranked-Choice Voting

Change is inevitable. By embracing change, organizations can generate new ideas, improve products or services, and find ways to stay relevant. Voting is a crucial mechanism to facilitate change in organizations. It provides a democratic and fair method to ensure that diverse perspectives and voices are heard to fuel innovation and positiv
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Electronic Voting and Sustainability: A Greener Approach to Democratic Processes

Electronic voting systems not only revolutionize the way we conduct elections but also offer significant environmental benefits. In this blog post, we will explore the sustainability advantages of electronic voting systems, including reduced paper waste, lower carbon footprint, and energy efficiency. By embracing electronic voting, we can
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What Is a Property Owners Association?

Property owner associations (POAs) act as the backbone of thriving residential and commercial communities. They assist in maintaining order and managing shared resources, but they are often confused with homeowners associations (HOAs). The importance of their roles is also sometimes overlooked.  What Is a POA? By definition, a POA is
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