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Voting Made Easy

ElectionBuddy guarantees election integrity, boosts voter engagement and saves serious hours. It's free to test and free for up to 20 voters.

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"Much more secure and feature-rich than I could have imagined"

Britt K. - Digital Payments Hub Product Manager

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Voting Solutions Built for your Industry

“After years of using another product, we found ElectionBuddy. Setting up the election was a breeze, and the ability to email and text voters got us 76% more votes in the first 4 days!”

Richard G., MLS Director
Central Panhandle Association of Realtors
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Elections or Meetings. You Choose.

Election Excellence

ElectionBuddy is easy for voters to vote, with the convenience of doing so from their couch, by mail or on-site.

Marvelous Meetings

Need a management tool for all your votes? ElectionBuddy has got you covered, for every voter that attends.

Need help unifying your members?

Whether you just need a little training, or you want us to take care of the entire voting process, let’s chat about what works for you so you can make amazing decisions with more engagement.

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